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[A week later.]

'Are you excited girls?'
'Excited? I'm gonna poo my pants. I can't wait any longer.'
'How long does it take? When are they call us in?!'
Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne kept chatting waiting to be called in the meeting room.
'Pez, are you okay?' Jade asked her best friend.
Perrie, who kept staring into space, replied quietly.
'My future depends on this.'


'Long time, no see.'
'Sorry, I've just been busy. You know, with my mum coming to see us and the show...'
'I know, don't worry.'
Perrie and Alex met at their usual place, in the deserted park nearby their houses.
'I'm sorry I didn't reply to any of your texts, too. I didn't really know what to say...'
'Don't worry, I said I get it.'
They both looked very nervous.
'So... I know you've had three admission tests last week, how did they go?'
'I think they went well. I'll have the results in the next two weeks anyway. I'll go from there.'
'I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Where did you apply for?'
'Manchester, London and Brighton. I figured I could do with a change of scenery.'
'Don't blame you.'
'What about you?'
'What about me?'
'I've heard you're kind of a big deal now.'
'Oh, that...' Perrie blushed. After the talent show, a music producer friend of Wendy, showed a great interest in the girls. 'We're just considering different options... it's all very hypothetical at the moment.'
'It might become pretty real pretty soon, you know.'
'Yeah, well, we'll see.'
Alex took a deep breath. 'Perrie, I've asked you to meet me because I want to tell you something.'
The girl could feel her heart race.
'I know we talked at Jonnie's party and you decided it's over between us, but i can't just accept that... i thought I could, but it's not over for me. I can't stop thinking about you. Every minute of every day, I just wish you were there, with me. I miss holding you and talking to you and the way you understand me even when I don't say a thing. A few months ago, yes, it was the wrong time. But things are different now. I'm ready for my new life, what I'm not ready for is this new life without you. I never felt this way, Perrie. With anyone else. This is just different. I don't know if this is what love feels like, but I like to think it is.'
Perrie remained silent.
'I can't stand this silence. I've been completely honest with you, I expect you to do the same with me. Tell me what you feel.'
'I've been feeling the same, Alex, but at the same time... I'm scared. What if it's still not the right time? What if you'll have to move for your studies and I'll have to go somewhere different? What's the point in starting something and then have our hearts broken again?! I... I don't know...' Perrie looked now in a panic.
Alex pulled her close to him and hugged her, before slightly pulling away to look at her in the eyes.
'We'll take it one step at the time, shall we?' He said before kissing her.
Perrie pulled away. She had missed his kisses and his touch.
'I mean it, Alex. I don't want to rush into it and then in two weeks time having to say goodbye again because we would not be able to be together.'
'So what am I supposed to do? Just forget about the last six months? Pretend this never happened?'
'That's not what I'm saying. I just need a bit more time. We both do, and you know it.'
Alex sighed, beginning to feel impatient. 'I don't want to wait, though. How do I know this is not just an excuse? I'll wait a couple of weeks and then...'
Perrie didn't let him finish. 'Two weeks.'
Alex looked at her confused. Perrie then continued.
'I'll meet you here, in two weeks. Friday, at three o'clock. By then you would have had your results and I'd be done with my meetings. Our feelings won't change in two weeks, but our lives might. We've waited for so long, what's two weeks more.'

*Flashback ends*

[Six months later.]
'Oh, there you are. Took you long enough!'
'I've only been twenty minutes.'
'Considering the coffee shop is literally around the corner...'
'Yeah but it's the London life, baby! Someone's in a bad mood today.'
'I'm always in a bad mood when I wake up and you're not next to me. And you know that.'
Alex put the coffees and the box of donuts he had just bought on the table. 'There you go, this will make you feel better.' He brought Perrie her coffee and a chocolate filled donut.
'I forgive you, just 'cause this is my favourite.' Perrie stack her tongue out at him before biting into it. Alex then joined her in bed to eat their breakfast.
'Won't you be late?'
'For what?'
'For uni.'
Alex laughed and shook his head. 'I told you five times, my lesson for this morning got cancelled ages ago.'
'Sure, you're right. Sorry. I keep on forgetting things.'
'You work too hard.'
Perrie looked worried. 'I'll have to work even harder from now on.'
'You've got this baby. I'm buzzing for you. I just cannot believe you girls got a contract so quickly! Can you believe it? Next year you're gonna have an album out... it's crazy!'
'What if it doesn't go well?'
'Are you kidding me?! It will be great! You and the girls recording your music and becoming worldwide famous superstars; I'll be here studying and looking after the house, everything will be fine.'
'And me.'
'And you what?'
'You'll be looking after me, too. Right?'
Alex smiled and hugged Perrie. 'Always.' He threw her back on the bed laying on top of her and kissing her. 'And then I'll look after our dogs, and our child... actually, children...'
'Easy, now!' Perrie laughed. 'How did I get so lucky?' She stopped and smiled looking at Alex's brown eyes.
'I'm the lucky one. I love you, Perrie. Now and forever.'
'I love you, Alex.'

[Good morning! How are you all? xx
I've not been feeling well this last couple of days with horrible migraines but luckily I've got a week off work now so I can just chill and relax a bit :)

The last chapter is here!
What can I say... I imagined this book going in a different direction when I first started writing it but after taking a very long break from it I just didn't feel it anymore :( I think I gave it a pretty decent ending anyway, it's just not one of my best works lol
The good news is... I'm absolutely buzzing about the new one I'm writing and I'm planning onto publishing the first chapter tonight lol
Thank you so much to all of you you kept reading 'til the end even after I went MIA for a while! Your support means everything to me xxx
Peace and love and stay safe everyone xxx

P.s I wanted to tag the people that encouraged me to keep writing and supported me all the way but I'm not very good with technology so I have no idea on how to do that hahaha but just know that I love you all xxx]

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