23. Some Fun

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Magnus: What?! No way!

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Magnus: What?! No way!

Me: Uh yes way! That sounds so fun!

Magnus: The dare was for ME to do it.

Me: *shrugs* I have to come with you to make sure you don't chicken out. Axel, you coming?

Axel: Uh... no thanks. I'm gonna visit the Rescue Riders to see their new friend. Apparently he's a cat named Stitch, and I love cats!

Me: Ok have fun! Now, Magnus. Onto your dare!

*do I need to explain*

Magnus: *puts on paraglider* Ugh I don't want to do this.

Me: I do! *shoves him off cliff*

Magnus: *screaming but at least he's gliding and not falling*

Me: Psssh. Chicken. *jumps off cliff with paraglider on and glides up to Magnus* It's not so bad, huh?


Me: Nope. *glides around and dives and does tricks* WOOHOOOOO! Hey Magnus do a flip!

Magnus: No wa-

Me: *slaps his paraglider and it flips around*

Magnus: *screaming*

*time skip to bungee jumping*

Magnus: I am not jumping down there!

Me: Uh yes you a-

Stitch: *meows*

Me: Awww hey! *pets him* How'd he get here?

Axel: Hey Jackie. Stitch and I came to watch Magnus bungee jump. We thought it would be fun.

Me: And hilarious! *shoves Magnus off cliff again*

Magnus: *screaming, but is caught by rubber band and pulled back up*

Me and Axel: *laughing*

Me: No no, let me show you how it's done. *jumps off cliff gracefully.... then hits head on a rock*

Axel: AAAA! Jackie are you ok?

Stitch: *worried meowing*

Me: I'm good. See? Not that bad.

Axel: Uh I think you need to go home. You're swelling up.

Me: No. *bungee jumps again*

Magnus: *hanging from rubber band not even bouncing anymore, still screaming*

Me: Ugh you're annoying. *slaps Magnus on my way down*

Axel: Seriously. Go home.

Me: Yeah yeah. *leaves*

Axel: So. You wanna leave too I'm guessing?


Axel: Haha. It was funny while it lasted. Thanks for the dare and until next time!

Rescue Riders: Ask Or Dare 3 (Ultimate Mashup)Where stories live. Discover now