105: The Final, Final Farewell

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Me: It's finally time for this book series to end! We had a good run. Well, you guys had a good run anyway. Honestly it was fun at first. Stressful no doubt, but I ~might~ end up missing this. All good things come to an end though. Before we close out, I would like to give my good friend Ghost a chance to speak. Ghost?

Ghost: Sup Readers, What Jackie said, But I'm honestly glad that I got to help her out with these ask and dares especially the ones she didn't know about that I knew of and If I'm being totally honest this have put ~ReSpOnSiBiliTy~ to get things done on me.... but this has to come to a close at some point sooo thank you so much readers for putting down dares and asks, and thank you to Jackie for allowing me to help her with these asks and dares. Bye peeps! Hopefully we get to see you all like this soon!

Me: I think we nailed it! Nothing really else to say. Thank you all for being supportive!.... or at least some of you, and... crap I was gonna say until next time! That's how we normally close out! Man I'm already missing this!

Ghost: But before we sign off, we like for you all to head over to Lucasrescuerider's ask or dare book, as that book is still opened and still being continued! I guess that's it Jackie.

Me: Yup! On a quick side note, and speaking of other stories, I'll be creating and working on a series called Survivors! That's what I'll be doing most now that ask or dare is over. It'll be on my alt account AberrantJackieJackal so make sure to follow me there and check that out. Alright, that's all! Thank you all for the reads, and see you all in a different story!

Ghost: bye y'all!

Me: *waves* Cya on the flip side!

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