Chapter Eighteen

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Bellamy and I were sat on his bed watching Brooklyn Nine Nine, we'd finished our breakfast hours ago but we got into a Brooklyn Nine Nine marathon. "are you hungry?" Bellamy asks and I tell him I am, "okay I'll go make us some food, I'll be back up in a bit." he went off downstairs so I decided to go into my bedroom and get some more cushens and my duvet because it's really cold. I checked my phone for the rime and realised I had five missed calls. "why is my phone on Silent?" I say to myself, the calls are from my mother so I text her.

Me: hey mum, what's Up?
Mum:  oh nothing just checking on you that's all. How's the Blakes?
Me:  fine. Octavia has become like a sister to me.
Mum:  what about Bellamy?
Me: well.. Idk I think I have feelings for him but it's weird. He's one of my best mates and he treats me the same as Octavia, like I'm another sister to him so idk.
Mum: okay sweet I got to go but do anything stupid. Love you xxx
Me:   love you bye.

Bellamy came back upstairs with two plates with beans and toast on, "oh yes, I love beans on toast." I say taking my plate off of him. "I know. So what's happened so far in the programme?" I laugh and reply "well there having the Jimmy Jab Games. When the quad has time to kill, Peralta launches the seventh annual Jimmy jab games, an eccentric series of contests held in the precinct building." he stares at me confused "ooookaaayy?" I start eating my food and watch the programme.

Hours later when the marathon has finished.

It's around 5:30PM and O calls me from downstairs. "I'll be right back Bell." I say taking our plates down as well. When I get down stairs I see O and Lincoln and ask what's up. O drags me into the kitchen and whispers in my ear "have you got any pads, I've ran out?!" I look around the room and think. "Yes! In my house! Come on let's go." we leave and go next door to mine.


I hear the front door open then slam shut, I look out of the window and see Clarke and O running next door. I wonder what's going on, I go downstairs and see Lincoln sitting on the sofa. "what are the girls Doing?" he jumps up not realising I was there. "oh Bellamy you made me jump.. I don't know, O dragged clarke into the kitchen and whispered something in her ear, then they both ran next door." I look down and wonder what's going on. "come on were going next door." I say and we leave.


"Clarke you're a life saver!" I shout from the toilet. "ahaha cheers!" I hear her shout back. I hear a knock on the door and I guessed it would be Bell and or Lincoln. I stay silent as I listen out as I hear clarke open the door. I hear a deep voice and I know its Bell. I then hear another voice and I know Lincoln's with him. "ah boys.." I hear clarke say, "where's O?!" I hear Bell say slightly worried, why is he Worried? "uh upstairs in the bathroom." I hear Bell come up and I hear clarke run up after him. "Bellamy wait!"


"because she's um.. Come on.." it all goes silent and then I hear Bellamy walk back down stairs. "thanks clarke." I say just loud enough for her to hear.


Bellamy and Lincoln went back to the house and I was waiting for Octavia, I didn't know what was taking so long, when we got to my house she explained that she hadn't actually come on but she needed a place to do a pregnancy test. All of a sudden I hear the toilet door open. "O?" she walks down stairs with the test in her hands, she looks shocked and I assume the worst. "not pregnant!" she says cheering and I sigh in relief "come on, we should get back to yours." when we get back in Bellamy and Lincoln are on the sofa watching the news looking shocked. "Clarke someone found Murphy, Finn and Roma... Alive." shit! Fuck! Agh! "what.. NO." I didn't want them to die but now there out there's no stopping them. We listen to the news. "they claim to be camping out by themselfs when they accidently locked themselfs in." the news man said. "why are they covering for us Bell?!" I say sounding more worried and confused than ever. "I don't know.. But it's not safe here.. Not anymore."

What do you guys think of this Clif hanger? Got any ideas for the story? If so comment them and I will try my best to work them into the story.

Peace - The100Day21

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