Chapter Thirty-Eight

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In their hotel room in Los Vegas. Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Lincoln, Jasper and Monty.

"So I say we hit a few clubs, drink a few drinks then head to 'Sally's quick marriages!' And yes, before you ask, that is the place Clarke and I decided to get married in." Okay, that is hilarious! "Sally's quick marriages, how romantic" Lincoln says and I burst out laughing, Jasper and Monty walk out of their room, "seriously guys! Why do Jasper and I have to share a bedroom?" Because we secretly ship you. "Because we're not made out of money, unless you're offering to pay?" Bellamy asks and the boys go quiet, "well then." Clarke speed walks into the living room area, "right, it is 21:00 hours, 2 hours until we get married, let's go!" We quickly follow her as she practically runs out of the hotel and to the first pub.

I get to the pub before the rest and walk straight to the bar, "orange juice please." I say to the bar man, he couldn't be any older than 25, "well whys all the pretty girls not drinking tonight?" He asks, trying to flirt, I see Octavia, Bellamy, Lincoln and the boys walk into the pub and towards me, "well my friend, I can't speak for the rest, but I'm not drinking tonight because I'm pregnant.. That hunk over there.." I say pointing to Bellamy, who is now only about 15 feet away, "is my fiancé, we plan on getting married tonight."
Bellamy reaches us and gives the bar man a death glare, "what's going on here then princess?" He asks whilst putting his arm around my waist. "Nothing, just telling this guy about why this pretty lady isn't drinking tonight." I smile at the man, who now looks scared. "Well, we have a tight schedule to keep, let's move to the next bar, this ones dead." I drink my orange juice and leave with Bellamy, it seems when we were at the bar the rest of the group had moved to the next without us.


"Right!" I shout, being the only sober one left. "It's 00:00 hours, time to get married!" Bellamy is only tipsy, luckily. We head to Sally's quick marriages and wait for about 20 minuets before it's finally our turn.


"Clarke Griffin, do you take Bellamy Blake to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"
"I do."
"Bellamy Blake, do you take Clarke Griffin to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"You may now kiss the bride."
Bellamy kisses me with so much passion, in this one moment I knew how much I truly meant to him, I hope in this moment he knows how much he means to me. The group cheers and Octavia screams with joy, Jasper and Monty shout "woohoo!" As loud as they possibly can and Lincoln just claps. Luckily Jasper and Monty haven't asked.. Or noticed that I've only drank orange juice all night, which is good, I can not deal with loads of questions about why.

We walk slowly back to the hotel, passing and occasionally going into a bar. By the time we get back Bellamy is proper drunk and passes out on the bed, I try to squeeze in next to him, but it's no use. Looks like I'm on the sofa tonight.. Yay.

Next morning

I wake up and find my self in bed, alone. I jump out of bed and walk into the living room, Clarke is asleep on the sofa, she looks so peaceful when sleeping. I put my head to hers and whispered in her ear, "good morning my lovely wife." I say and I see her smile, "good morning my hungover husband." Ugh, she's right, I have a banging headache. "What time does the hotel manager want us out?" She opens her eyes and looks to her watch, "shit, 20 minuets! How is it already 11:40!" She jumps up and starts to clean, I wake up everybody else and we start to pack, we throw our things in the boot and climb into the seven seater car that we borrowed from Monroe's mother.

When we finally get home Clarke immediately goes to bed, she's really tired and I doubt that sofa was comfortable. After a few hours I bring her up some toast and a coffee, I wake her up and sit next to her, I lean her on my shoulder and think about the future, our future.

"Oh tv, how I've missed you!" I say whilst sitting on the sofa and bring the remote, "good thing I recorded Brooklyn nine nine!" I say to myself because Lincoln's decided to leave me and go to bed. I quickly jump up and grab a Stella from the fridge, I know it's only been like 2 days but I hate being away from the TV.. I mean.. Uh.. Oh fuck it, I mean tv.

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