Chapter Thirty-One

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I could tell Bellamy was getting angry or maybe jealous at the fact everybody was staring at Octavia and myself, although all the girls were staring at Bellamy as well but I wasn't getting angry or jealous.. Mainly because I know Bellamy would never hurt me.. I trust him enough to be around girls.. So why didn't he trust me? If he did he wouldn't feel jealous or angry right now right? "Bellamy do you trust me around boys?" I blurt out and I couldn't stop myself, "Clarke it's not if I trust you around the boys, it's if I trust the boys around you." He answers and I could understand, after everything that's happened I wouldn't even trust these boys to be around me. The only boys I trust are Lincoln and of course Bellamy. We met Lincoln at the bar and got drinks, after a few hours I was completely drunk and could barely walk..

Clarke is really drunk and I think it's time we go home, I get Octavia and ask if she's coming home now but she refuses and stays with Lincoln.

20 minuets later

We finally get home and I bring Clarke up to her bed, I tuck her in and I'm about to leave when she grabs my arm, "stay." She asks and I climb into bed next to her, suddenly she starts climbing on top of me and I'm not sure weather I should sleep with her or not because she's drunk.. I kiss her and she begins to take my clothes off, it was happening now, no point in stopping it.
10 minuets later we were finished and Clarke falls asleep on my arm and I'm unable to move without waking her so I sleep in her bed for the night. The next morning I wake up and Clarke is still on my arm, I try to pull my arm out but Clarke moans and pulls me back, it was cute to be honest so I put my arm back and went back to sleep.

I wake up on my sofa, I look around and find a boy on my floor, I don't know who he is so I scream, within five minuets Clarke and Bellamy are down stairs and Bellamy is complaining saying he was about to go back to sleep for a lay in, but he soon shuts up when he realises there's a boy on the floor, now awake and staring. "Who the hell are you!" Bellamy shouts and the boy stands up, I see Clarke pulling a face and then she says "Drew?" The boys eyes go wide and he replies by saying Clarke's name, "what are you doing here?" Clarke questions as he walks closer to her but she steps back away from him and closer to Bellamy, "what are you doing here!" She asks again, now more angry. "Just visiting people.." Clarke looks almost scared and I know something's not right, "how did you get in here" I ask him and he then reveals that he came back with me after Lincoln left me at the club to go God knows where. "Did we.. You know..?" He laughs and shakes his head, I sigh in relief and he looks at me weird but I ignore it. "Drew you have about five seconds to get out of my house!" Clarke shouts and Drew puts his hands up in defence "what have I ever done to you Clarke?!" He shouts back and Clarke begins to explain, "before I moved here you and I were in a relationship! You cheated on me!" She shouts and I immediately hate Drew, "jerk!" I say and Bellamy puts his arms around Clarke, "I see you've moved on, I was here, in this town to get you back Clarke." Clarke laughs at him, "I'm in love with this man. He is the only person I want to be with so.." Clarke replies and pulls Bellamy's arms around her more. Drew looks hurt but he wouldn't do anything, Bellamy is twice the size of him and towered over Drew. "I see.. Well if you ever change your mi-" Bellamy cuts him off "she won't!" He snaps and Drew leaves feeling sorry for himself.

I feel like I have to explain to Bellamy and Octavia so I sit them down on the sofa and begin, "Drew and I dated for a few months before I moved away. Two weeks before I moved here I found out he was cheating on me with two other girls.. And the girls were actually mates of mine as well.." Bellamy's face was full of anger where as Octavia's was full of pity and sadness, "that dick!" Octavia shouts, Bellamy is calm, he speaks quietly but I mange to hear him, "it's a good thing, if he didn't cheat on you then we might never be together." I nod my head, smile and then sit on his lap, "I love you Bellamy Blake!" I say and then kiss him. I thought he would be angry, maybe even chase after Drew and hurt him but instead he was just grateful that Drew did what he done. In a way I was too because now I'm happy with Bellamy and we're living together, Drew would never be able to come between us and I'm sure I've made that clear to him now.
I get a phone call and I answer it,
"Hello?" I ask only to hear my mothers voice on the other end
"Clarke, it's your mother, I'm in the hospital with your untie Sarah, she's been in a car accident and is seriously injured, they don't know if she'll make it till the end of the month." My mother sounded like she'd been crying and I was now trying to keep the tears in as well, "end of the month? That's two weeks away! Okay, I'm leaving now I'll be there by tomorrow night, bye love you." She says goodbye and I out the phone down, Bellamy asks what's going on and I fill him and Octavia in. "Okay so do you want us to come with?" They ask, I'm now upstairs and I begin to pack some clothes, "no, you guys stay, I'll be back in two weeks time.." I run back down stairs with them following behind, I out my shoes on and head out the door but not before saying, "I love you guys, be safe." I don't give them a chance to reply, I rush to my car, throw my things in the back seat and leave.

2 days later.

It's been two days since Clarke left and I've just stayed in the house doing nothing whilst Octavia's been out with Lincoln. I'm watching TV when someone knocks on the door, I open it and find Raven crying, great now I got to deal with her dramas. "What's wrong Raven?" I ask sounding annoyed and not even a bit sympathetic, "I-its parents... The-they kicked... Kicked me ou-out!..." I sigh in annoyance and welcome her into the house, she sits on the sofa and I sit next to her. "Ugh it's just me here, maybe you should come back when Octavia's here or-" she cuts me off, she's stopped crying now but is still upset, "can I stay here? I'll sleep on the sofa?!" I look at her and realise I don't really have a choice, "okay... Fine." I turn and face the TV and watch it with Raven, after a few hours I feel her lean on my shoulder. "What are you doing?!" I ask loudly and jump up, shocked. "I-I just thought.." She looks like she's about to cry again and I can not deal with her right now, "you made a mistake, it's fine." I sit back next to her and rub her back.

4 days since Clarke left.

I'm staying at Lincoln's for a few days since Bellamy is getting annoying, he's hopeless without Clarke and I can't be bothered with it all. It's been four days since Clarke left and I haven't spoken to Bellamy once. I'm on my way back home and I walk in and find Raven in the kitchen with.. A shirt on... BELLAMY'S SHIRT!! I need to speak to Bellamy NOW and I ask Raven where he is, "he's still in bed.." She smiles at me and I feel like punching her. 'Still in bed' was she in bed with him and that's what she meant by 'still' or was she just saying that he hasn't woken up yet and she slept on the sofa and Bellamy leant her a shirt..
I burst in to Bellamy's room and Raven walks in behind me, Bellamy immediately looks guilty and Raven sits on the bed, next to him. "Morning" she says and smiles at him, "Raven why are you in my room.. Where did you get that shirt from?!" He asks and I can tell he's genuinely shocked. "I needed some clothes.." She said looking at the top she was wearing, "so you just take my brothers shirt!" I shout, I'm pissed at her, she is obviously obsessed or something and she needs to leave.. Now! "Raven get his shirt off, and then get the fuck out of my house!" I shout and Bellamy stands up next to me, "Raven I think you need to go back to your parents house!" Bellamy says and Raven runs into the bathroom to get changed.

Raven is in the bathroom getting changed, she's left her phone on the table and she gets a message.

Mum: Raven where are you? You haven't been home in days? Xxx

"She was never kicked out." I say and Octavia hears I explain to her what Raven had told me and she storms upstairs and into the bathroom, seconds later she comes back down with Raven, Octavia was dragging her down stairs by her hair. "Now look here, I've been through enough shit these last few months, so has Bellamy and so has Clarke. Your crazy bitch obsession isn't going to change anything so I suggest you get the fuck out NOW and go back to your mums!" Raven tries to get O to let go but Octavia is stronger than her, "I can't, she's kicked me out!" She screams and I shout back at her, "NO SHE HASNT, if you don't leave now I will drag you out of my house myself, go back to your home Raven and leave us alone!" Octavia lets go of Raven and she storms out, grabbing her phone on the way. I sit on the sofa and out my head in my hands, "when will they give me a break!" I shout and Octavia sits next to me and hugs me. She makes me feel better and we watch movies together until we fall asleep.

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