Chapter 15

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I don't remember Tuesday at all except that I was extremely tired and sore

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I don't remember Tuesday at all except that I was extremely tired and sore. My whole body was in discomfort and I just wanted it to go away.

The second day wasn't much different except I was moved into a different room because I'm in recovery and not in ICU anymore. I tried sitting up for some meals but it was really difficult.

The third day was similar to the second, but I tried a little bit of walking. Keyword. Tried. Didn't work very well and I felt really stupid. Maria helped me through it and introduced her friend, Katie, to me. She's kind and helps me around more because Maria works more in the ICU than recovery.

By the fourth day, I was walking to the bathroom in my room and back into the bed.

My friends and family have been the kindest people in the world and I'm thankful for all of them being here for me. I was able to convince my parents to go and sleep at their hotel for the night even though it was tough to get them to leave.

I get it that they don't want to leave me alone but I've had everyone on their hands and knees if I need anything. It's nice to have a little bit of quiet time and to be able to depend on myself a little. I've been in my thoughts a lot today and been thinking of what my parents and I were talking about earlier.

"Would you rather go home to do the cardiac rehabilitation program or stay here to do it, Mia? You wouldn't be able to fly for four weeks and the program is around twelve weeks, so I'm not sure what you think. If you stay here, dad will have to go back home because the season starts very soon. You'll be able to call him whenever you want and I'm going to stay here with you and we'll rent a house nearby. If you don't want me to breathe down your back all the time, you might want to think about coming back to LA. But, it ultimately is your decision." My mom told me about an hour ago. It's been a hot topic on my mind because I've been conflicted.

I have a pen and paper that I'm writing with Pros and Cons for staying.

Pros of Staying: rehab is in the same place the whole time, friends, mom will be here.

Cons of Staying: the whole family is not here

I guess I've made my decision.

I just finished my checkup with Katie and it's now nine pm. I'm hungry but I didn't have the heart to tell Katie that I don't like the food here.

I have Friends on the TV but, to be honest, I just have it on so it isn't quite in the room. I also forgot where my phone is but I can't move because I'm hooked onto machines still.

"Knock Knock!" I hear Nate say from behind the door.

"Hi, Nate! You can come in." I say even though I'm confused about why he's here. It's nine pm. He should have been getting team dinner right now.

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