Chapter 40

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"Fuck you, you bitch!" Ben screams at the TV

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"Fuck you, you bitch!" Ben screams at the TV.

We're in an intense game of NBA 2k21. Ben is playing against Jay, who just dunked on him.

"All's fair n love and war, brotha," he hums. I stifle my laugh as I sit down next to Ben, who is pretty angered right now as he glares hard at the TV.

Ben shoves the controller into my hands, "You're my only hope."

"I'm not playing," I shove it back into his hands. "Jason made me come down here. That doesn't mean I'm going to play."

"Just fucking do it," he grumbles out, and I take the controller out of his hands. "Fu-"

"Shut up," I mutter as I get focused on the game in front of me. "Shit, I have to do extra work because you didn't do this right. You're an idiot."

"Sorry, I'm not some video game expert," Ben huffs as he gets some chips that are lying on the table in front of him.

"And you think I am?" I mumble back as I twiddle my fingers on the controller to block Jay's shot.

I smirk when I steal and ball and make the shot into the basket.

"Geez, beast. How'd you do that?" Jay yells at me when I block his shot again.

I shrug my shoulders, "Just because I don't play that often. It doesn't mean I don't know how to play."

Jay mutters something I can't hear, so I'm guessing our conversation is over.

I focus back on the game to make sure I win.

I climb out of the truck and grab my backpack from the back. I look up at the building that I have to walk into for Exercise Physiology. It's an hour and a half, and I'm not ready for it.

I can't believe it's an eight o'clock class. I woke up like ten minutes ago and changed my outfit before leaving my house.

I put my hands into my pockets as I walk into the building. I keep my hood up until I walk into the class. There isn't a lot of people in here right now. But then again, there aren't many people taking this lecture. I look up at all the seats and walk up to the fourth floor of the seats.

I slump into the seat and set my backpack on the ground next to my feet. I rest my chin on my knuckles as I scroll through my phone.

More people fill into the class as I wait for the lecture to start. The fact that I came here, earl-

"Can I sit here?" A girl standing next to me asks as she points to the seat next to me.

I stare at her and then realize that she's waiting for me to answer. "Sure," I grumble and look back at my phone.

"Thanks," she smiles as she puts her bag down beside her and sits next to me. "You're Nate Jackson, right?"

I nod my head as I make eye contact with her for a second before looking over my notes for the class. Mia would say it was rude if I didn't say anything to her.

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