Loving Them: 1.1

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Four years later

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Four years later...


All I can feel is tension.

Well, me and nineteen thousand other people.

Holding our breaths as we watch the timer run out.

Switching their glances as they watch the clock and the boys below running up and down the court.

I can't seem to take my eyes off of Nate, though. But with Hailey's foot that's constant tapping, I just might have to.

"Holy fuck," Daniel mutters under his breath as Nate steals the ball from one of the players on the Raptors, his golden yellow jersey swaying back and forth as he sprints toward the basket.

It's been a long-ass couple of years if I do say so myself.

With Nate being drafted his senior year, yes drafted, and playing in the NBA. And then, me being on the other side of the country, studying to get my degree.

I moved back to California my junior year. I know that saying of 'Don't follow a boy somewhere' or something like that, but my whole family was here. And then Nate was here, so why not?

I transferred to USC, where Hailey was attending. We actually roomed together for two years until Nate and I moved in together.

Nate was picked up by the Lakers, and my Dad actually coached him for a year before retiring.

I'm not sure how that actually happened. I thought you weren't able to have those types of relationships, as in Nate getting on the team and my Dad coaching, but I guess it worked out.

It's been over five years since Nate and I meet and later started dating.

I keep thinking about when, or if, he's going to p-

"I'm nervous as hell," Maddie quietly utters, to me, not taking her gaze off the court.

"Tell me about it," Mom and I whisper at the same time, Nate looking up and passing it off before trying to get back open.

Did I mention that the whole 'crew,' as Dad calls it, is here? Maddie and Luke flew out, Josie is now living in LA with all of us, Ben drove out from Vegas, my whole family and Nate's whole family are all here.

The ball is suddenly snatched away from number 21, who is right on his back, and Gramps huffs out a breath with a glare as he sags into his seat. "I swear to the Lord above, if they don't win this game, I will personally-"

"Calm your tits, we still have-" Gram checks the clock as it runs down, "three minutes to get five points back. Sit here and watch the game without any remarks for five minutes, please."

"You're really starting to piss me off," Gramps folds his arms over his chest as Gram rolls her eyes and swats her hand right at his chest.

"Oh, shut it, will you? Everyone would be a lot happier," she grumbles and turns away without another word, ending the conversation.

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