Chapter 17

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Oh my gosh

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Oh my gosh.

I'm literally the most stupid person. 

I did the most embarrassing thing in my entire life, just now.

I was talking to Hailey on the phone, catching up on how she was doing with soccer. She wanted me to watch some of her tapes and see if I had any suggestions to help her with her footwork. I was getting into how she should be using both feet because she favors her right, and I must have missed my class. I walked into the room that I thought was correct and sat down in the fourth row. I took out my notebook and pens for class notes. But, when I looked around, the class was already in the middle of the lecture. I immediately hung up on Hailey without an answer as I looked around to see if I really came at the wrong time or if I was just in the wrong class. When I saw that the woman standing in front of the room was not my french professor, I muttered a quick excuse and ran out of the room faster than I've ever run. 

Except, I forgot that my backpack in there.

So now, I'm turning around to walk back in there to grab my backpack. When I get back to the room, it's missing. My heart is beating way too fast because of how embarrassing that was. So, having to look for my backpack is really adding to the pressure.

My heart was about a hundred and sixty beats per minute.

About sixty beats too fast.

Suddenly, my vision went black.

I woke up in the ICU, again.

And I realized that I just fainted in front of that entire lecture class!

My hand went straight to my mouth as I cackled at my stupidity. I look over to see Jason sitting in the seat beside my bed. What's he doing here?

"Jason?" I ask, but my voice cracks as I say this. He looks up at me from his phone and stands up.

"Hi, Mia. You passed out in my lecture room." He says sheepishly. "But, I know that Nate has been telling all the boys that if they see you, he's shown us pictures even though I've met you, that if you look like you are having breathing problems that we should take you straight to the hospital. They already knew who you were, and Maria is your nurse. Um, but are you feeling okay?" He rambles on and on.

I smile at him and take a deep breath. "I'm doing great. I think I just got overwhelmed. I'm feeling great, to be honest. Can you not tell anyone about this?" I smile, hoping that he'll agree.

He looks guilty. That's never good. "I already texted Nate. He was wondering where I was because we usually walk to this one class together, and well. I had to tell him. He's a little upset...." Oh, I can just see it now. 'What were you thinking, Mia?' Like Nate, obviously, I was not paying attention and that's why I'm in this little predicament.

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