Chapter 19

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I'm on my way to pick up the girls from school

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I'm on my way to pick up the girls from school.

I've never been to a school carline before, but here I go. Trying something new every day.

I have my Good Vibes playlist, from last year, on right now. The songs were a lot better last year, in my opinion.

It's such a short drive to their school, but there are sure a lot of minivans. How do the kids even know which is their car?

I'm driving my mom's rental car, which technically I'm not supposed to be driving, but I thought it would be more fun for the girls if it was just me. Plus, I'm cleared to drive a car, so I thought it would be fun.

Midterms went super well. My french teacher said that my french was getting really good, and my other teachers wrote to me a couple emails about my hard work.

The girls and I are going to Nate's practice today, well after it, so I can help him with his shooting. He told me that he listens to me much easier. Need to work on that with his coaches, I guess.

I'm in this line, that's probably twenty-five cars deep. I'm at the high school first because Sam gets out before Charlotte. But, if we're late, Charlotte is going to think we left her on purpose.

So, I'm going to need these minivan moms to move and get their kids.

As I wait, I look through Instagram and listen to one of the songs to pass the time.

By the time I've listened to a couple songs, I'm already in the actual line to pick up Sam.

When she sees me, she waves and says goodbye to friends before running towards the car.

I'm driving a large black Escalade that Sam jumps into. She's got this big smile on her face.

"Hi, Mia!"

I beam. "Hi, Sam! How was school?"

Her smile comes right off her face. "Oh, my. Don't even get me started. I hate school."

I laugh, "It happens, but school isn't that bad. Don't worry, it gets better."

She sighs and nods. I grab my phone and give it to her.

"Okay, DJ it up. Let's go pick up Charlotte!" She switches the music and sits back.

The pickup your child line for elementary is even longer than the high school line.

"Charlotte gets out in ten minutes," Sam tells me as I turn down the music.

I look over at her and nod. She looks like she's thinking about something.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

She looks over at me and says, "I'm worried that I won't be to make the soccer team. I really don't want to disappoint my family, and everyone also tells me that I'll make it even though I'm not too sure."

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