08| what he wants

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I walked out of the cafe and breathed in the cool air. The wind blowed sharply causing my hair to swing left and right uncontrollably. A strand of my dark locks landed on my face covering a part of my eye. I lifted it away from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"Hallie, let's go."

"Okay." I wave goodbye to Jeffery, who does the same, before following behind my two friends as we head home from the store. After the incident in the back room, we all decided that it would be best if we did not bring it up. It would be better to forget than continue thinking about it when we all knew we would never get the answers to what was in our minds. It wasn't as if we could just go up to Darius and ask him all the questions we had. That's a death wish to even think about.

Some girls have tried to talk to him but all have been denied. Many girls still try hoping to be the one to win his heart but none have yet succeeded. I have always wondered why he does this. Is he waiting for the right one?

Today, we walked in silence letting the whistle of the wind take over the absence of noise. The breeze's soft whistle contrasted with its harsh winds as they hit my body. Trees swayed severely in the wind and seemed as if it were about the fall in any given moment. The weather was changing as autumn was coming. No longer would the days be long and bright. With this new season the sun's gentle touch of warmth won't be enough the savage the cold air.

As I separated from my friends after saying goodbye, I looked at my phone checking the time. It was about thirty minutes till I was to meet him.

Did I have to meet him?

What would he do if I didn't show up?

Did I want to go?

These questions consumed my mind as I slowly walked to my dormitory. Despite the cold, harsh weather, I took tiny steps so that I would have time to think of my future actions. It was not fair of him to command me to be at his place to meet him and repay him for the favor he did for me when I have done more than enough to repay him. His status may be above mine but he was in no position to ask or command me to do anything against my will. This is something I will prove to him by not appearing at his place during the time he had stated.

He will see the strength of Hallie Talin.

I mean it's not like he's gonna take it badly if I don't show up.

With that thought in mind, my speed increased as I jog back to the dormitory. I snugged my head deeper into my hood trying to prevent the cold breeze from caressing my face.

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