16| knock at midnight

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Again I found myself staring at the clock, watching the little line move slowly in a circle in an unending cycle with only one man cycling through my mind.

I knew I should have controlled my anger but I could not help myself. The topic of my career was very sensitive to me mostly because of my mother and father. However, Darius did not know about that making me in the wrong. He was only stating his opinion.

I felt terrible.

Utterly terrible.

It was almost midnight and my eyes were wide awake with no sign of sleepiness. I had turned on the television but it rendered useless as my mind made it impossible to concentrate.

This day had been a complete chaos with the thousands of flowers sent to the shop to the sudden dinner date ending with me running away leaving Darius by himself on the streets.

I had began to panic thinking about how I was going to get home but thankfully I had stashed some money in my purse which was enough for a ride back here.

My eyes closed as I rested my head against the pillow thinking about these past few days. Life was so simple for me when Darius wasn't involved.

School, work, and homework were all that my day mainly consisted of back then. They were what I was mainly concerned about. But now—

All of that was at the back of my mind. I could now only think about Darius and the betrayal I was making to Ava. The betrayal I was making to myself.

I was lying to my friends and most importantly lying to myself. There was a part of me that thought that maybe there might be something between Darius and I. It was an unreachable fantasy that I made seem reachable. The fantasy that I shut down the moment Ava had told me her feelings for him. Though, that part of me was selfish and wouldn't let my mind and body rest.

A soft knock on the door made my eyes open. Soon a male's voice softly followed after making my heart flutter hearing my name spoken in such a gentle matter.

I hastily got up stumbling to my feet heading towards the door.

What was Darius doing here?

His face came in view and to my surprise he looked nervous.

My eyes stared at him noticing that in his hands laid a glass container. I could only look at him in silence not knowing what to say. He was still in the suit he had worn to dinner but his once maintained hair was a mess. Yet, he still looked beautiful.

He opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it back. He did this multiple times but no words seemed to escape his lips. Never had I seen Darius in this kind of state.

My eyes remained on him waiting for him to say what he had come to say. After a few minutes of awkward silence, he finally spoke.

Well, at least tried to.

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