02| blunders of last night

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I woke up with the sun blaring in my eyes. Dark circles appeared before me as the room swayed. I rubbed my eyes and before opening them and seeing the unmoving room.

A throbbing ache could be felt near my head as if someone were hitting my head with a metal hammer. My eyes dart around the room noticing the unfamiliar surroundings. My movements halted as my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

What happened last night!?

I close my eyes in agony and placed the palms of my hands on either side of my head trying to regain the memories I had lost the night before unaware of the sleeping figure beside me. In a second, the memories flooded my mind rapidly.

I kept struggling in golden boy's arms trying to get him off of me. He drags me to a fancy looking car that looked like it cost more then me. With one arm he opened the door of the car and shoved me inside quite rudely may I add.

"Hey! What are you doing you weirdo? Let me go! Just cause your handsome doesn't mean I will let you take me anywhere. I am not those type of girls." He says absolutely nothing while getting in the drivers seat and begins to drive. 'What in the world was wrong with this man?'

"Excuse me mister, can you hear me?" Still no answer from golden boy.

"Hellooo!" Complete silent greeted me in return.

"If you don't answer me, then I will strip in front of you." Still no answer but I earned a dark glare from him before his eyes returned back to the road. Man I really thought that would make him say something, though he looked quite ravishing while glaring at me.

"Are you mute?" This time he grunted in response clearly annoyed with me.

"Oh, so your not mute. Let me guess your not a social guy." I heard the crickets chirping in response. "Don't worry then I will talk so you don't have to. Usually I don't talk a lot either but right now I feel different and I don't know why." I say and then let out a giggle as if I had said a funny joke.

"Alright, my favorite color is pink but not any pink. My favorite color is light pink. People never guess that my favorite color is pink because I don't own anything that is pink but don't let that fool you. My favorite pet is a panda. There so cute and fluffy. How could anyone hate them? I also love flowers. There all so simple yet extravagantly beautiful at the same time. They are truly one of life's greatest beauties. Hmmm— what else should I tell you golden boy?" I said while putting my hand in my chin.

"Oh! I love love love pasta. Pasta is the most tastiest food in the whole world. Right, when you take a bite of the pasta it feels as if one were in heaven. Like seriously who does not like pasta. Whoever doesn't like pasta should be sentenced to jail time. It's a crime to not like pasta. Pasta is just something out of this world. If you don't like pasta, then your not eating it right. Like my mother used to alway say, pasta is the solution to all sadness." The sudden thought of my late mother made a frown form on my face but I quickly shook my head and turned towards golden boy.

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