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It was awkward.

The atmosphere around us while we sat in front of each other was unbearable. It was as if the air around us was trying to suffocate us.

Despite the discomfort, I surveyed the room in complete amazement at the beautiful gold chandelier in the middle of the room to the complementary golden table that were decorated by red covering. Each table was adored with flowers with silvery in front of ever seat. As I continued to look around it made me realized just how much it seemed as if I were in a real life princess castle. It's also made me realize that I did not belong here.

However, that was not the reason that made the atmosphere unbearable.

Darius was staring directly at me.

His eyes never glanced away from me even when a waiter had come over to give us water and the menus. My heart thumped loudly as I looked over the the items on the menus trying to concentrate on focusing on what to order, however it all went to futile as I didn't recognize a single dish from it.

The words written written in the fancy pamphlet all sounded as if they were words from an unknown language. One that no one could understand but those of wealth. My eyes wandered from the appetizer to the course meals and then to the deserts and lastly to the drinks. I was embarrassed to say the only thing I recognized from the menu was the order of a glass of water with a side of lemon.

"Are you alright Miss Talin?" Darius's voice caught me off guard as I jumped on my seat. It was the first time he had spoken to me since we had entered the restaurant.

"Y-yes I am alright." I lied.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow looking at me questioningly. "Are you still sleepy Miss Talin?"

I blushed red shaking my head in embarrassment. I had not meant to sleep on the ride here but being so exhausted had made it almost close to impossible to try to keep my eyes open.

When I woke up and saw Darius blankly staring at my waking figure, I felt embarrassed. Embarrassed couldn't even explain how I felt. I had completely made a fool out of myself, though it's not like I haven't already made a fool out myself before in front of him.

Goodness! I am sure he probably thinks I'm some sort of idiot.

"Have you got in mind what you would like to order? Shall I call the waiter?"

"Oh, y-ya sure. I am ready to order." I squeaked out as I internally slapped myself on top of my head. I wasn't ready at all but I couldn't say that when we had gotten our menus for a while now.

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