Movie Night~ (1)

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(Story idea from miss__multifandom)

Movie Night

Undyne x Reader (Story 1)

Back at it again, here you were watching your favorite movie once again. Grabbing your favorite drink and bag of popcorn, you made your way over to the couch and placed both down on the small table in front of you.

After doing so you reached for the remote and changed the channel. Once on the right one, you quickly selected through a few menus and found your menu.

Once finding it the movie began to play, playing through its first set of commercials.

You sat there across from the TV, eyes glued to the TV screen as you waited in expectation for the movie to start. Once it did, the world around you seemed irrelevant as you watch the film start.

~(Timeskip)~ "Product placement for MTT Film Productions"

The scene was sad, very sad as you felt your first set of tears roll down your face, but you paid them no mind. You watched as your favorite character laid there, dying as one of the main characters approached them slowly before getting down on one knee next to them.

The main character (M/C) wrapped one arm around your favorite character. (F/C).

(F/C) cried a little, groaning in pain before looking at (M/C) in the eyes and struggled to sit up, Once he did so he looked back at (M/C) and managed to gesture to his tears, which were slowly rolling down their face.

The two shared their final words as they looked in the other's eyes before you watched (F/C) close their own slowly and seem to finally 'give up' and die.

Laying their still, (M/C) watched quietly before closing their own eyes and turned to look down at the floor.

This caused you to sniffle and close your eyes as you brought a tissue to your eyes and wiped the tears away. Watching this scene always brought you to tears as you hoped your favorite character would live, only to watch them get attacked and later die a slow, painful death.

It was heartbreaking, especially since you're favorite character had sacrificed much of his life and time protecting their love.

YOu couldn't control it anymore as you covered your face with your hands and began crying, crying into your hands as you covered your face with your hands.

As you sobbed a special someone was just arriving home formwork and had just walked into your shared home. Stepping inside, Undyne placed down her police hat on the counter, then her belt and holster upon the table before glancing up at your shared home as she began hearing the sounds of someone sobbing, close by.

She jumped and quickly summoned a spear in her hand, quickly following the sounds to the living room she stumbled across you. YOu who was on the couch, the TV still playing, crying into your hands. You hadn't even noticed Undyne had come in until you felt a set of strong arms wrap around you and pulled you close against a firm stomach and soft chest. Raising your head from your hands you turned to face the person only to feel a slow, gentle hand run through your hair. This felt so... soothing as it slowly made its way through your (colored) locks as the person began whispering kind things into your ear.

A moment or so passed with this continuing on until finally you had calmed and were able to face your loving fish girlfriend, Undyne.

You're (colored) eyes met the yellow of hers as she smiled brightly, a kind smile. You and Undyne nuzzled the other through your noses and sighed happily. Once settled you both pulled back and gazed at one another, fully content staying like this.

Undyne was the first to speak however as she looked at you, she gave a sad smile. Undyne: "What's wrong spurt? Did someone say something bad about you? If they did, I'll bash their skull in!"

(You): "N-No, I-"

Undyne: "Or did someone threaten you!? I'll kick their A-"

(You): "No, not that-"

Undyne: "Then someone tried breaking in!!! *She scoffs* Knew it! Some people ARE afraid of ME!!! HA!!! I KNEW THEY FEAR MY-"


She went quiet and turned back to you, looking into your eyes confused and wondering what it was. Undyne: "What?"

YOu sighed before shaking your head, then looked back up at your fishy girlfriend and gave an embarrassed look and turned away. (You): "I was crying... because of my favorite character (Name)... Died..."

It was dead silent...

Silent for a few moments...

Then, Undyne let out a long, annoyed, and dramatic grown before she gave you a 'Seriously!?' look.

Undyne: "Really...? Are you serious?"

You felt the embarrassment build as your face heated up and you turned away, looking now towards the floor as you were still held by Undyne, and so couldn't move away.

Undyne: "Was their death THAT devastating?"

YOu quickly looked back at her and nodded, pouting your lips at her in a way that you knew would make her think 'cute' you nodded. (You): "Yea! It was!"

Undyne sighed and shook her head, giggling silently for a moment her gaze returned back to yours and she nuzzled you again. Undyne: "You're such a dork, I swear."

YOu both laugh before continuing the cuddle for much of your time with her following the end of the movie. You still share a few giggles after joking about your reaction.

Undyne x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now