Truth and Tears (2)

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The following day, a faint mist had come in and was now starting to barry the world around the town under a thick white blanket. Under these conditions, you felt some fear as it appeared so unnerving.

But, spending time staying inside would be too boring honestly, so you decide to go out and see Undyne. Now, it has been a couple of weeks since your conversation in the park with Undyne over your past, and... you felt ... ready? You weren't sure, at least Undyne would understand if you said no tho. So instead, you just focused on what you two could do instead.

Grabbing your coat and putting it on, you walked over to the front door of your home and left after unlocking it. Once your home was left secured you started your walk to the local, Muffet Cafe, a place where many monsters went to eat. It was very popular, and you could already imagine the large crowd being there.

As you walked the mostly quiet yet eerie streets, you couldn't help but pick up the sounds of someone walking behind you. They weren't close, but not far either. You didn't make much of a fuss tho, probably heading to the same place anyway.

As you kept walking, the number of footsteps behind you began to grow and this calmed your nerves. It sounded like a group was all heading around the same way as you, or maybe even going to Muffet's. Still tho, you didn't bother focusing on this problem and just continued forward and were approaching the bakery itself.

Just as you were about to pass an alleyway, you felt a hand grab your shoulder roughly and yank you away, almost knocking you off your feet. You watched as everything around you changed, now you found yourself in a dark ally, sitting on the floor in front of a group of people. Looking up you saw several humans, each dressed in clocks or jackets. Each of them carried a sick grin on their faces and appeared to be planning something.

Something cruel as they started to approach you, to which you nervously started crawling backward, afraid. Soon, your back was pressed against a corner of the alleyway as you watched the men approach slowly. One of them pulled out a knife and brought it close to you're face. This caused you to start shaking, feeling your eyes tear up as you watched.

(You): "P-Please... Don't... I beg you...!"

They only laughed, laughs that now when you thought about it... they sounded all too familiar... Feeling the fear you once felt before begin to rise, you shoo as you brought your knees to your chest and stared up at the groups of humans in front of you. All of them from your hometown... and the reason you left your old life, to begin with.

Just as their ring leader stepped forward and reached for you, a bright blue light came flying past and struck the wall close to you both. This caused them to jump back and some started to scream as you quickly turned to look down to the entrance of the alleyway.

Standing there was non-other than your best friend... and now savior, Undyne.

Undyne, without much time to think, leaped into battle and started fighting the group. One after another charged at her, only to get a spear to the face, a fist to their guts, and a heavy kick to their stomach. One by one, they were sent flying around the alley.

For some, you swore you could hear the sounds of skulls being crushed, or bones being cracked. Tho they seemed to be alive still.

By the end... Undyne was the only one standing... Panting, sweaty... fists covered in blood...

Then Undyne turn to you're shaking form and she quickly made her way over to you and cradled you. She held you close, letting you rest your head against her chest just as you began to cry, and wrapped your arms around her neck. You cried for some time, by which Unynde had carried you out of the alleyway and into Muffet's bakery, into the back to take care of you since you two were close enough.

Afterward, she herself went to the hospital to get checked upon herself, and eventually, you were allowed to return home after the hospital.

Once you both arrived home, you saw Udnyne waiting for you just outside your home, leaning against your door. You both greeted one another with a silent gesture before both heading inside and went over to your couch.

There you both sat and remained there for a few moments in pure silence, both unable to speak after what had happened. The silence only lasted so long tho as you eventually spoke up, turning to face Undyne.

(You): "Thank you... Undyne..."

Undyne turned and gave you that triumphant grin, the same one you always loved seeing from her that allowed you to see her lovely white, purely teeth. She reached her arms around you and embraced you, pulling you back over to her body in a tight hug.

Undyne: "You're welcome punk! I just had to, you're my best friend!"

You smiled again after being caught off guard by Undyne's hug and nuzzled her while hugging her back. You two stayed that way for some time, you both holding onto the to her as time went by, you both unwilling to let go.

Eventually, you look Undyne in the eyes. (You): "Undyne? C-Can we talk?"

Undyne: "Sure? What's up!"

(You): "It's about... what happened... those people you saw... they are... I know them from before."

Undyne: "Seriously? What happened before? How do you know me?"

You sighed, glancing at the floor as you struggled to find your words. Eventually, you managed to face her again and began to talk. You went on to explain what happened in your "past" life, and what happened to you and why you left.

How those humans were like bullies to you and made your life the worst ever. How you suffered, and by the end, how they left a scar(s) on you. Both mentally... and physically. There was a good reason why you always kept your arms covered up when you hanged out with your friends.

By the end of it, Undyne was in tears listening to you... And she embraced you...

At that point, you could only cry as you clutched onto Undyne, you two sharing this moment together...

Time passed until you both agreed to hang out together again... and Undyne agreed to take you out so you could open up to her for the future...

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