Truth and Tears (Part 1)

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(Original idea for story by miss__multifandom).

(Setting details: Location (Town Name) Year: 20XX Reader Occupation: Unemployed).

You felt the cool air against your skin, the sunlight from above dimming due to the clouds that slowly moved across the sky. Glancing at your surroundings, you saw your friends as they chatted idly by while you sat close on the same bench. It had been a year since the monsters from below escaped the Underground, and joined humans on the surface.

Originally, there was some tension between some humans and monsters alike, but they were thankfully cooled over time. This being in part due to the monster kinds of wealth in the form of gold, plus the hard work from Monster supporters and the monster ambassador of Frisk.

Now Monsters lived in a small town below the mountain, where you happened to live in after moving away from your home town. To you, it was necessary and a form of escape, tho non of your new friends knew this...

You jumped as you heard a loud voice call you and your friends names and your eyes met the sight of Undyne, who was walking over with a smile. Undyne: "Hey punks! How are you this fine morning?" "Cool!" "Fine." "Alright!" I'm doing great!" You took a moment to use the right word to describe yourself before responding with a simple "I'm okay."

Everything including Undyne nodded before turning away from you and began talking about their interest, favorite shows, and other stuff they felt like talking about at the moment, but you barely spoke. Instead, you choose just to merely listen in while looking around, waiting until the conversation would need your output on it. This was something your group of friends noticed about you, the fact that you were so quiet. Especially when talking about, well... anything. How you felt you rarely shared, your thoughts and other information about yourself you hid away and hardly told a thing about it.

This left your friends curious as to who you were before coming into monster town, however you revealed much. Just some basic stuff on your past life but nothing up to your time in high school and beyond. All of it was pretty much a mystery, and today a certain fish monster was hoping to find something out.

After some time spent hanging out with your friends, it was starting to get late and all your friends began leaving, except Undyne. Undyne stood beside the bench you still remained on and was waiting to speak to you alone. Finally, once alone you turned to Undyne and raised a brow at Undyne, surprised to see her still around. "Oh, hey Undyne? You're still around?"

You spoke in a calm yet quiet voice, to which Undyne responded by nodding before taking a seat beside you. Looking at you with curious eyes, Undyne took a moment before she began. Undyne: "So... (Name)? You're mostly quiet I've noticed... And, you don't seem like you want to talk about your life before coming here... Or really your interest or much else for that matter. Is there a reason why?"

You felt yourself tense up, your body straightening and you trying thinking of what to say. A moment later you looked back at her nervously. (Name): "O-Oh um... T-That's because I... don't like talking about it and don't want to." You sad shyly, shrugging before looking down towards your feet, feeling slightly less tense you felt that was a solid answer to use. Unfortunately, this only piqued Undyne's interest, however, she was careful not to push you so she took a moment before continuing again. Undyne: "That's fine... Whenever you wanna talk, just let me know. Alright?" She gave you a small grin, her teeth bare as she patted you on the back. Standing up, and with some sway in her step, she turned on her heel and began walking away. Undyne: "Seeya around spurt!" She said, soon disappearing from sight.

Sighing, and seeing that you were alone now, you lowered your head and let out a sniffle escape. Your mind was beginning to remember the reason as to why you always kept quiet. And the reason why you had to leave town, where you're original home was located. The memories flooded your mind, the laughter and memic directed at you. All of this was so much to handle and it broke your heart. All because she/he didn't get what they wanted...


Clenching your fist tightly, you shook your head before standing up and left the bench behind. Returning home, you grabbed the hoodie and pulled it down farther to cover your face as you walked inside and locked your door behind you. Sighing in annoyance, you let yourself sit lazily onto your couch and facepalmed before pinching the bridge between your nose and eyes.

It was going to be another long, sleepless night for you.
And you can only hope that one day, the pain would go away... No matter what way, it didn't matter to you, you just wanted the pain gone for good.

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