Daddy's Girl

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You followed Undyne to her home on the surface, your anxiety going through the roof as she lead you to her home. "It'll be fine! Besides, his a big softie at heart! He'll love you!" She declared confidently, patting you on the back which did only a little to reassure you of your current predicament. "B-But what if he doesn't approve? What if he doesn't like me!?" You panicked, feeling your legs seize up and stopping you mere feet away from her door. Undyne rolled her eyes, running a hand down her face as she stared briefly up at the sky before looking at you. "He won't! I know him long enough to know he won't do crap to hurt you! He's a big softie!" Finally, she got out her house keys and popped her door open. Stepping inside, you followed after her, as you immediately saw the person you had to meet today. None other then the former King of the Underground, Asgore. He sat comfortably on the couch, a cup of tea in hand, as he watched the television which played a soap opera live. Hearing you two walk in, he instantly perked up and stood to his full height. By god, he was at least a foot taller then Undyne and nearly touched the ceiling. He smiled as he walked carefully around the coffee table and approached you two. First, he greeted Undyne. "Undyne! Welcome back!"

Undyne, after being pulled into a hug, playing push the former King's hands off her person. "Dad please. I wasn't gone for THAT long! Had to pick up this dork over here!" She pointed back at you with her thumb, causing you to freeze as Asgore's eyes moved from her to you. He looked curious, before a friendly, fatherly, smile came and he approached you. You could almost feel the ground beneath you shake a bit as he stepped up to you and offered his massive, fuzzy, paw to shake. "It's so nice to fully meet you. Howdy, my name is Asgore. Though I am sure Undyne has already told you that." His aura helped calm you, and without fear, you returned his offer for a handshake. "Nice to meet you to! My name is (Name), (Name) (last name)." You said, as Undyne appeared around Asgore and gave you a thumbs up.

Later and you were all sat together on the dining table as Asgore shared his side of the story on how he indirectly became Undyne's step-father. "And that was how we started her training. You should've seen her, the young spit fire she was. So eager and ready to start training and put her full effort into her work!" He sounded so proud, as he should be, as Undyne unbashful blushed and shrugged it off. "It's not any big deal, really. I just picked up a couple rocks and tossed them before asking for him to teach me." She replied, causing Asgore to let out a deep chuckle. Undyne seemed to pick up on this and her smile widen slightly. "Regardless. She was easily my best apprentice. I taught her much of what I knew, and more. She may be sporadic, but she is also kind, smart, and quick on her feet. It's no question why she became captain of my royal guard." He finished as he drank form his tea cup, leaving Undyne to flush at his praise. "Again, it wasn't anything! It was my job to protect my people after all!"

The conversation continued from there, you each sharing a story or discussing your day, until finally it was time for him to leave. As Asgore got up, he stopped briefly to turn to you and said; "It was nice meeting you (Name), you were a delight. I am forever grateful that, in my absense, Undyne will have someone like you to watch over her and make sure she is alright." He said, honesty in his voice, as he said his goodbyes. Undyne was given a big old bear hug, to which she acted huffy and groaned annoyed, but clearly liked it. "Bye Undyne. Until next time." "Bye... dad." She said, grinning as she waved and watched him leave. Sighing once he was gone, she turned to you now. "See punk? Told ya he was a softie!" She said, proud she had proved you wrong, something which you quickly noticed and were eager to replace as you smiled cheekily at her. "Yup, you were right," she soaked in your praise, "though I didn't figure you'd be a daddy's girl." She instantly went form proud to embarrassed, before her eyes turned anger. "Shut up!" Laughing you managed to dodge her as she lunged for you, and so started your evening with a epic chase around your house.

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