Tragedy Approaching (Mafia AU)

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(Mafia AU. Location: "Waterfall" Reader: "Spy for Undyne" Current status: "Unknown")

Undyne was regretting her choice now, as her eyes stared at the heart-shaped locket resting in her open palm. Her eyes narrowed as she continued to stare at the image of two people on the picture, one being herself... the other...? Were you...

Two years ago, you were just a simple server at a local cafe that Undyne happened to visit, and when she did you were the first to meet her. And you didn't even realize she was your current cities Mob Boss. That was until she showed off her Tommy gun to the current owner of the cafe you were working in at the time, with violence if he didn't pay up or risk getting one between the eyes.

Needless to say, your boss nearly peed themselves until you stepped in and offered to help pay since you had managed to get a fair amount you saved up. With this small deal made, Undyne followed it up by asking about you. Asking about your name and where you were from, to this you responded you were a native of Waterfall and had lived in (City name) for much of your life.

Hearing this she grinned and began flirting with you, this caught you off guard. Eventually, she left with her goons, leaving you flustered and with a promise she would be back/ Time passed and she came again and again, always requesting you for her as her server. Soon, you had her order down and always was ready to deliver her meal and drink for Undyne. Eventually, she asked you out and soon you two were a couple. A while after your sixth date, you quit your job and join her in her mansion.

You lived a nice life with her, attending her parties and celebrations, got to visit her favorite spots to swim and relax, and so on. Basically, all the special treatment she normally got.

Not only that but since you were her lover, you got special privileges. Not that you really cared either way, but with the fear of possibly disappointing you, and for Asgore's sake, getting you hurt... No one wanted to imagine what would happen to them if they failed.

Later, you became her "right-hand" man and top lieutenant. You helped bring in the money, tho, unlike your love, you were more open and willing to listen to your victims and those who owed Undyne Monsey, This didn't make you unless feared to all those you met.

Eventually, you were sent on a mission to Snowdin to capture someone who owed money, but had run off and got under the protection of the Skeleton bros. This was a problem since Undyne didn't want a war with the people of Snowdin, not when she had to deal with the mob-boss of Hotland and Mettaton.

Instead, she wanted this done quickly and so sent you out to deal with them. Sadly, this mission became too much for you to handle, and you hadn't returned, not even your escort managed to escape.

This left Undyne alone, in her office, sitting at her desk worried. She had the phone close to her, waiting to hear back if you had returned. But it had been nearly 4 hours, and still nothing. She was starting to fear the worse, and couldn't help but let her eyes tear up in fear. Eventually tho, the phone rang and she quickly sprang up and grabbed it. Bringing it to her ear she listened in.

Undyne: "HELLO!? Yes??? It's me! W-Where is (Name)!?" There was a long pause, followed by loud gaps and tears falling to the floor. Then, she reached for her Tommy Gun and loaded it. Running from behind her desk she raced out of her room. A look of determination on her face and running through her body as she ran to get her top goons to join her.

She had to do this...

For You...

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