Part 10

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Hi lovely readers! I just wanted to take the time before you start reading this chapter to thank you all for the comments! I appreciate it so much and it really motivates me to keep writing when I get a notification that someone commented or added my story to their lists! So thank you all so much and enjoy this chapter!


Is that really true? 

You and Akaashi had just parted ways, but what he said was ringing in your ears as if he was still next to you.

"His number one weakness has always been you."

Is that really true?

You were sitting on the bus, on your way to the store to pick up a few things before you head back to your apartment to get ready for the game. It was hard to focus on what you were doing, because all you were thinking about was your conversation with Akaashi about Bokuto and you. 

~A few moments earlier~

"What do you mean?" You stare at Akaashi. You didn't understand what he just said. Did you hear him right?

Akaashi smiled at you, "Remember back in high school during Nationals? You hurt your ankle. Bokuto found out during our match, and even though he may have told you he was fine, it took a hell of a lot of convincing to get him out of emo mode."

You blush, "Yea but it wouldn't take much to put him into emo mode during a game." Trying to brush it off like it's not a big deal. 

"I had a feeling you would say that." Akaashi said before looking up at the sky. The sky seemed somewhat grey today, with lots of clouds blocking the sun. "You don't know this, but when you first left for college, Bokuto was a mess. He would never tell you he was, but he was. I could tell."

You looked at Akaashi, "..Ohh." Hearing this made you sad. You didn't like the thought that you caused someone you care about pain. 

"I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, y/n, just so you know honestly." He gave you a smile, "I just feel like you should know. Bokuto when you left wasn't the same. He was always a little eccentric about volleyball, but once you left, it was like all he knew. He would constantly be practicing, but it wasn't in the same way. He wouldn't go out as much after playing with the team and his energy just wasn't the same" Akaashi paused. 

"How was it not the same?" You pushed to know more, even if it did upset you.

"He wasn't playing volleyball because he enjoyed and loved the game. Bokuto is the type of player that is able to raise the spirits of his teammates just by being there because he loves volleyball so much and wants to do well. But that wasn't the case. You could just feel it wasn't the same. It was like he was playing volleyball escape."

This is all because I left? Did I cause him this pain?

You look down on the ground. Saddness seemed to almost envelope you for a split moment, until you felt Akaashi's hand on your back and you look up to see his soft smile.

".......But honestly y/n, as much as I don't like to see my friend in pain. I think he needed that to be where he is today. He eventually got out of that kind of weird funk. I don't know what did it, but he grew from it. It think it was an event he needed to go through to help him become the "normal ace" he is today."

"You really think me leaving was what helped to get him here today?"

"I do." He then looked to the left, as he saw a bus approaching. "and I also think there is a reason that you guys met again later in life." 

Weakness Number 1 [Bokuto x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now