Part 2

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"Stupid, stupid stupid! Why did I do that?" You whisper to yourself. You are currently in the security room and the security guards had to ask you questions to make sure you weren't a stalker fan or a criminal. Misaki and Rin are probably worried about me. You couldn't even text them or call them if you wanted to because your phone had died. Still, despite all of what happened, you couldn't get Bokuto's smile out of your mind. It may have been a few years since you two had seen each other, but his smile still held the same glow, the same comfort, as it used to for you. 

That's when you heard the door open and the security guard come it. "You can go. It's all been sorted out. Next time, just don't run into the VIP section. We know you meant no harm but it's part of the rules."

"Of course. I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused." You said. You walked out of the room. How am I suppose to find Misaki and my sister? My phone is dead. I should have asked if I could charge it at least while I was in there, though I doubt they would let me if they had a charger.  You let out a sign of defeat. You were exhausted and didn't know what to do. Your only hope was that Misaki and Rin knew how to get to where ever you were. You knew that they wouldn't leave you by yourself, but that thought of searching the whole place was definitely not exciting. You almost make it back to the main area where the concessions are when you see a familiar figure waiting there. You felt sort of nervous because you weren't sure how this was going to play out. What if he's mad at you for making such a commotion during the game?  Their back is to you, but you know exactly who it is. He turns around when he hears your footsteps.

"[Your name ]!" Bokuto said happily. He gave you his signature smile. "It's really you!"

I haven't heard him say my name in a long time. " Yea it is me," you say giving him a smile but then realizing, "Wait! How did you know I was here?"

"Well, I told Hinata to tell the coach that you weren't some crazy fan who's apart of my fan club and that I actually knew you. He made sure that someone in security knew that so that you didn't get kicked out. It was easy finding this place considering I come here often for practice and games." 

You felt a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry to have caused you trouble. I don't really know what got over me. I guess maybe just old habits from watching you always play in high school."

"What are you talking about? You were so cool! And it really did make me get my head back in the game! I was so shocked when I heard your voice, but I'm so happy you did!" You could tell Bokuto was being completely genuine when he said that. He was not the type to tell someone what they just wanted to hear.  

"Really? I'm glad me embarrasing myself did some good then, " you said with a little laugh. "Hey, would you happen to know where my sister and Misaki are? My phone is dead so I can't call them."

"Oh they're with Hinata! I'll take you to them. They're probably waiting for us anyway. I told them I would go and get you." You nodded and followed Bokuto. 

As you were walking to the others, Bokuto asked you, " So how long have you been back?"

"About 2 months. I moved back to continue with my graduate studies in (something you would study)."

"Oya? That's so cool! You've always been super smart and in the top of our class, so you can do it!" 

"Thanks," you smile. Hearing him say that made you feel happy. , " I was a little nervous the first week, but I honestly really enjoy what I'm doing. You're pretty amazing though yourself. You're an awesome volleyball player! I'm proud of you for making it pro!"

You could see the tiniest blush on his face with a smile "you're proud of me?" 

Oh no did that sound like a mom thing to say? But it's the truth. Even though we haven't talked in awhile, when I found out he made it pro, I was so proud and happy for him!

Weakness Number 1 [Bokuto x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now