Too much?

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Natasha's POV

I just got up and i went downstairs into the room that Lisa is staying in right now because i couldn't fall asleep and i just sat next to her bed and  i just stayed with her for the rest of the night.When it was morning Clint came in with cofee and he gave it to me"Here you go.I know that you didn't sleep"He said"I just...I am worried.I don't want to lose her ever again"I said and he nodded and he looked at Lisa"Nat"He said and pointed to Lisa and i saw her opening her eye's slowly"Get Bruce"I said and he nodded and i just got up"Lisa?"I asked her and i saw the fear in her eye's"Hey it is okay.It's me,Nat.You are safe.I am not gonna let anyone hurt you anymore"I said and she looked around and then Bruce came in and did some tests and then left and then Vision came in and Lisa started to panic and i told him to leave and he left"Hey it's okay...I am right here"I said and i took her hand in mine"Li...You are going to be okay"I said and Lisa look's at me but doesn't say anything"Oh Lisa I miss you so much"I said and took her hand"Nat-Natasha"Lisa said quaielty"I am right here...I'm right here"I said and i started to have tears in my eye's"I m-missed y-ou"Lisa said and i just smiled.I saw a tears going down Lisa's cheek.I just whipped it away"I-I-I was-s so s-scared"Lisa said and i just nodded and i just took Lisa's hand"I know"I said and she just looked down"I don't feel good"Lisa said and i just caressed the back of her hand with my thumb"I know.Your going to get better i promise"I said"It's cold"Lisa said and i went to grab Lisa a blanket but she wouldn't let got of my hand"I'm just going to get you a blanket"I said" please don't leave please don't leave"Lisa said and i just came closer to her and sat at the edge of her bed"It's okay.Liz I'm not going to leave.I'm staying right here"I said tears streamed down Lisa's face.I squeezed her hand so she knew i was there.After sometime Tony,Steve and Wanda came in and i told Steve to grab a blanket and Tony and Wanda had huge face eating grins until they saw Lisa cry.When Steve came near Lisa started to freak out a little and it made me scared because i realized she was afraid of men now.So Tony and Steve left"Hey sweetheart"Wanda said and Lisa just looked at her"We missed you so much"She said and she started to filling Lisa in on everything that was happening in the Avengers.Lisa didn't let go of my hand or speak.I saw Lisa getting anxious with everyone around so i told everyone to call it a night because Lisa was tired.Everyone left and it was only me and Lisa.I just looked down at her hand"The last thing i remember was him...He-he-he was cutting my body and then i woke up here"Lisa said"You are safe here.Bucky is gone"I said and when i said Bucky's name Lisa's breathing changed so i squeezed her hand and rubbed her arm which after a while calmed her down"He is gone Babygirl.Your okay now your safe"I said with tears"'m not safe"Lisa said while shaking her head"It' okay baby.I'm here.I'm here"I said to here and kissed her forehead"Don't leave me please.Don't leave me"Lisa kept saying and i just shock my head"I won't babygirl i promise"I said and Lisa just looked down"Can...Can you lay with me?"Lisa asked and i nodded"Of course"I said and i climbed in next to Lisa's frail body careful of the wires and held Lisa as she cuddled into me"Before you know it you'll be back.With all of us"I said and Lisa just took my hand"I wasn't allowed to talk and if i did...I...I...I"Lisa stopped and I just kissed the top of her head"It's okay baby it's okay"I said and Lisa just shock her head"I just want to go home"Lisa said and she was crying and holding onto me for the dear life.After a while she fell asleep and i did too

Steve's POV

I satrted to get jealouse of Natasha laying with Lisa right now.I know that they are best friend's but i think that Natasha want's to be more but i can't let that happen.Lisa is mine.

Natasha's pov

I was suddenly awoken by a scream from Lisa.I look down and she was still asleep shaking and crying.Bruce came rushing and we woke her up she wouldn't let go of me and couldn't stop crying or shaking.After a while we got her to calm down"D-d-don't l-l-leave"Lisa said while shaking"Shh baby it's okay,It's okay"I whispered into her ear and she held onto me for the dear life not letting go"I think she has severe case of PTSD with the panic attack's,the anxiety,the nightmares it all add's up"Bruce said and then he left and Lisa laid her head on me but wouldn't close her eye's"Baby you need to sleep"I said and she just shock her head"NO"Lisa said"Okay...okay"I said and i held Lisa close to me afraid to let her go"What was the nightmare about?"I asked her and she shock her head"It...It...It wasn't a nightmare"Lisa said and i just looked confused at her"What do you mean?"I asked her"It really happened"She said and that broke my heart"Oh baby"I said Lisa started sobbing in my arm's and i just held her and rubbed her back and i moved her hair away from her face.The TV remote was next to me and i accidentally knocked it make a loud bang when it hit the floor causing Lisa to scream.Bruce came in and put Lisa on a light sedative because her heart rate was beeping erratically"It's definietly PTSD"Bruce told me"How long should she be asleep for"I asked him"Probably until morning"Bruce said and i just nodded and kiss the top of her head and i end up falling asleep next to Lisa holding on to her.I woke up next morning and Wanda was there with coffe and donuts"Hey i figured you probably didn't get much sleep last night"She said and i nodded"Your a life saver"I said and Wanda looked at Lisa"She woke up to a nightmare or something and then the remote fell and she freaked out so they put her on a sedative because her heart was beeping erratically and we couldn't calm her down"I said"Poor thing"Wanda said"They said definitely PTSD because yesterday she had already three panic attak's and her brain scans some signs of it"I said and Wanda just looked at the food"Well will she eat a donut"Wanda asked and i shrugged my shoulder's"I don't know i mean she hasn't eaten in 3 months"I said and she nodded"Do you think she will continue working in the Avengers?"Wanda asked"I don't know...I think we have to talk to Fury and Steve for this"I said and Lisa started to wake up"Hey baby"I said and she didn't respon she just looked at me"Wanda brought donuts do you want to try one"I asked her she didn't respond but i helped her to sit up and i hand her one she ate it slowly until it was half way done and she put it down"Good job baby"I said Lisa still hasn't said anything.The door opened and Lisa burried her head in my neck.Bruce walked in and sighed when he saw Lisa"How is she?"Bruce said"She ate a half a donut"I said and Bruce nodded"Anything she does is progress right now"Bruce said and left and i just looked at Wanda"Wanda do you mind sitting with her.I need to get up to stretch and talk to Tony"I said and Wanda nodded"That's fine i am off any missions today"Wanda said"Okay.Call me if you need anything"I said and Wanda nodded

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