Jasper Danger

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Leah's POV

"My wonderful father have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked walking over to him from my spot on the the sofa.

I was going to ask him if Delilah and I could go trick or treating with Henry and Charlotte. They invited us because they were going.

"What do you want Leah?" My dad said turning to face me.

"Can Delilah and I go trick or treating with Charlotte and Henry? I said quickly smiling up at him.

"No." My dad said blankly.

"And why not?" I demanded.

"It's dangerous."

"No it isn't, when we go trick or treating Charlotte and Henry will be with us." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Lily Pad, I'm doing this to protect you both so...no." My dad said patting my head and walking past me.

I groaned before looking down at my costume. I was a artist. My dad was to cheap to buy me a costume and all the other costumes we had were ugly so I had to use my regular clothes and make it look like I was an artist.

Luckily I had one of my old costumes from when I was Delilah's age so she was a really adorable ladybug.

"Your making this artist very unhappy." I told him glaring.

"And your making this superhero very unhappy." My dad groans.

"Says the Cheerleading lobster." I mumbled plopping down on the couch.

The elevator door opens and Henry and Charlotte walked in or more like stumbled. Henry was dressed as a Zombies and Charlotte was dressed as Macaroni and Cheese.

"You all right?" Henry asked Charlotte.

"Yeah, but I think I dropped a noodle." Charlotte said looking inside the elevator for her lost noddle.

"Hey guys." Delilah and I greet them sadly.

"Hey, why are you guys so sad?" Henry asked concerned.

"My dad won't let us go trick or treating with you two." Delilah explained fixing her hat.

"Maybe we can convince him and by the way nice costume." Charlotte told us.

"Thanks, you two look great also." I said before furrowing my eyebrows,

"Why are you two here?"

"Ray beeped me and you two were suppose to meet us upstairs in Junk'N'Stuff." Henry told us before calling out for my dad. "Ray?"

My dad jumped out excited. "Happy Halloween! look I'm a cheer lobster!"

My dad started to dance around while shaking his annoying dumb lobster tail.

"Cheer lobster?" Charlotte laughed.

"Is that like a thing?" Henry asks.

"To my dad it is." I told them.

"Yeah it's a thing." My dad said giving us a look. "Look, go team! Please don't boil me! Or use a tiny fork to remove my flesh and eat me!"

"You look more like a lobster then a cheerleader, daddy." Delilah mentioned.

"Well there was no room for lobster boobs." My dad says making me and Charlotte share looks.

"Why did you beep, Henry." Charlotte and I said In sync.

"So you guys can see my cool costume." My dad says while I rolled my eyes.

"Aw, Ray I had to zap my little sister to come here."

The Artist and The Superhero (Henry Danger)Where stories live. Discover now