Space Rock

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Leah's POV

I was up in the store with Henry, Delilah and Gooch. Gooch was using a crane to move a very heavy space rock that we found.

Henry picked up a potted plant but Gooch stopped him. "No, no move all those things to the side."

"All right, All right."Henry said before turning to me and gave me a smile. "Hey Leah can you help me."

I nodded and hopped off the counter I was sitting on because I wasn't aloud to do a lot of work because of my asthma and I didn't want to have to take a Nebulizer treatment.

"Hey, you guys." I hear Charlotte say as she entered the store. Me and Henry turned around and saw she had corndogs with her.

"Hey Char." I greet smiling.

"Hey." Henry greets.

"Hi!" Delilah chirped.

"You are late for work." Gooch told her.

"It's wasn't my fault, there was a line at acorn Doggery." Charlotte reasons.

"You got us corndogs?" Henry asked while Delilah and I cheered.

"Yeah, dude." Charlotte grins at us.

"Charlotte your the best!" I cheer as we take a corndog.

"This is not corndog time." Gooch tells us and Delilah ignored him and happily took one.

"C'mon Gooch we been working for a long time now we can use a small break, have one." I said smiling as I held out a corndog to him.

Gooch gave in and smiled at us. "Okay, Thanks Leah."

"So, what is all this?" Charlotte asked gesturing to the space rock.

"That is a big rock." Henry states pointing the big rock that was still being held by the crane.

"Obviously." I  said giving him a look.

"From outer space." Gooch adds.

"No, I mean what's this crane for?" Charlotte points to the huge crane behind us.

"To move the rock." Delilah said.

"It's weighs over seven thousand pounds." Henry explains as we both take a bite out of our corndogs.

"Wow." Charlotte says in shock before turning to Gooch. "Can I borrow this crane to move my big uncle Rosco? Because he's been on our couch since Christmas."

"That long?" I asked shocked because that was my last birthday.

Gooch then started to struggle with controls and operating the crane. "Darn it." The crane started to move the rock from side to side. "Which one of these controls make the-."

The crane opened causing the rock to drop down in front of us making us jump back in shock. The rock started to smash through the floor and we gasped as it went through all the floors below us.

"You dropped the rock." Henry stated the obvious and I sighed.

"Wow, that thing gonna fall all the way to the Man Cave." Delilah pointed out making my eyes go wide.

"Daddy." I shouted running towards the elevator with Henry, Delilah, Charlotte and Gooch not far behind me.

We entered the Man Cave and saw my dad on the ground surrounded by pieces of the ceiling while Hawaiian music played in the background.

"Ray, are you okay?" Henry asked and My dad just groaned in response.

We looked at each other and shrugged, he's indestructible he'll live.

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