Super Volcano

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Leah's POV

My dad, Delilah, Charlotte, Schwoz and I just found out the worse news in the world...We're all going to die.

There is this volcano 50 miles below the surface and it's going to erupt in two days, meaning the earth is going to go bye bye.

We are all going to die minus my dad but he's upset because he will be alone. He will loose everything and everyone he cares about.

I'm mad because I didn't even become a real artist and I'm not even married yet and this dumb volcano is taking everything away from me.

I heard a thud from the elevator and saw Henry coming out of the elevator.

"Hey, guys, what's the poops?"

"We're going to die!" My dad tells Henry making his face fall.


"Your not going to die." Charlotte mentions as we walked over to them.

"Daddy, your indescribable." I added.

"We're all gonna die." Delilah gestured to the five of us who will actually die.

"Well, it's still bad for me!" My dad cried. "Who am I going to talk to when you're all dead? I won't have my daughters anymore, Leah won't be running around painting everything! And I won't hear Delilah sassing everyone."

"Woah! Woah!" Henry exclaims. "What is going on here?"

"That!" Schwoz turned two monitors on and we see lava flowing.

"What is that?" Henry asked.

"That is a super volcano 50 miles below the surface of the Earth, right under this town." My dad explained.

"Oh." Henry says. "Hey, do you guys think I should get my teeth whitened?"

"Seriously?!" I asked smacking him on his arm.

"Ow, Lee-Bee!" Henry whined running his arm.

"You deserved it!" I snapped. "We're all going to die and all you care about is should you get your teeth whitened!"

"She has a point." Charlotte says.

"Are you crazy? Two days from now that volcano is going to pop like a big, red-hot throbbing pimple." Schwoz explained.

"Ew." Charlotte and I cringed.

"Billions of tons of hot lava will spew from the ground and melt everything." My dad tells Henry, walking towards him.

"You mean melt all of Swellview?"

"All of the whole world!" Schwoz exclaims.

"But I just ordered a new bike online!" Henry protested.

"When does it get here?" I asked him.

"Next week."

The five of us sadly shook our heads.

"Aw, man! The whole world is going to end?" Henry panicked. "You sure of this?"

"Yeah." Schwoz replies.

"Positive." I say.

"Schwoz has been watching the volcano monitoring the vibrations, and doing all those calculations." My dad mentioned.

"How much time do we have left?" Charlotte asked Schwoz and we all turned to him.

Schwoz clicked a button on the monitors and we saw that we had 47 hours, 57 minutes and 33 seconds left to live.

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