Phoney Valentine

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Leah's POV

I was in the Man Cave sitting on the couch watching The Maze Runner when Henry walked in smiling.

"Hey Lee-Bee! My best friend who is the daughter of a superhero aka my boss!" Henry smiled.

I paused my movie and looked at him weirdly.

"Do you have a fever?" I asked.

Henry frowned and shook his head.


"Then why are you acting all weird?" I raised an eyebrow.

Henry sat opposite of me and smiled.

"Will you go with me to the Valentines dance?"

I thought about it and smiled.

I may or may not have a crush on Henry but sense he liked this Bianca girl and Chloe I pushed my feelings aside.

"I'd love to!" I grinned.

"Yes, thank you so much Lee-Bee! Bianca is going to be so jealous!"

I stopped and glared at him. "You only asked me to make some girl jealous?!"

"" Henry stuttered.

I scoffed and stood up.

"I thought your were my friend, Henry!" I yelled.

"I am your friend Leah!" Henry said trying to grab my arm but I smacked his hand.

"Friends don't use each other to make other people jealous!" I snapped storming off to the sprocket ignoring Henry calling my name.



A picture of Miss Shapen Henry's teacher was on the monitor and she's not very pretty and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Henry told his teacher if he got her a date with Captain Man if he could get a better grade and she agreed.

"Are you kidding me?!" My dad yelled. I snickered from the couch and shoving cake in my mouth.

Delilah looked at the picture and wrinkled her nose.

"That's your teacher Miss Shapen!" My dad turned to Henry who laughed awkwardly.

"My single teacher." Henry smirked clicking his tongue.

"I'm not surprised." My dad said.

"Come on!" Henry groaned. "If you have dinner with her she'll change my F into A."

"Hey, I have a good idea." My dad smiled. 

"What?" Henry, Delilah and I asked.

"Why don't I have dinner with your mom?"

"No!" The three of us screamed in disgust.

"Alright." My dad sighed. "I'll have dinner with Miss Shapen."

"Yes!" Henry cheered. "Oh she loves chicken so feed her some chicken."

"Alright!" My dad snapped.

"Chicken is good." I pointed my fork at my dad. "But cake of course is better."

"Ahh, Ray! I'll never forget this." Henry smiled slapping my dad's arms.

"Neither will I." My dad said with a fake smile and fake happy voice.

The sprocket opened and Schwoz stepped out in a blue and pink suit.

"Hey look at me I'm Mister Valentine!"

"Eww!" My dad said.

"That is bad!" Henry added.

"Yikes!" I whispered.

"Ugly." Delilah gave a thumbs down.

Schwoz frowned and walked over to us.

"That's what your wearing for Gurda?" My dad questioned.

"Oh yes." Schwoz smirked. "Gurda will love this."

"Whose Gurda?" Henry asked looking at us confused.

"His Valentines date." I answered.

"Who's actually a-" My dad paused and turned to Schwoz. "Hey Schwoz!"

"What?" Schwoz asked.

"Our friend Henry waited until today." My dad smirked and Henry frowned. "To ask a girl out for Valentines."

"What?!" Schwoz asked in disbelief. "That's not how girls work."

"I know that now." Henry said annoyed.

"You know that using your friends isn't how girls work either!" I snapped glaring at Henry.

Henry sighed and looked down.

"That's also not how girls work." My dad pointed at me.

"Duh!" I yelled. "I'm going to my room!"

I stomped up the stairs to the sprocket and froze before marching back down.

"One gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream and two slices of vanilla cake!"

"One gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream and two slices of vanilla cake!"

I grabbed my ordered and marched up the stairs heading to my room.


I was in my room sitting on my bed, tossing my ice cream container on the ground. I was texting Charlotte about what Henry did and we both agreed that he was in the wrong, when there was a knock on my door.

"If your a kid with blonde hair and your a sidekick go away!" I shouted.

I was still mad at Henry for trying to use me to make Bianca jealous.

The door opened and Henry walked in with a red gift bag in his hand.

"Leah, Can we please talk?"

"Didn't you hear me say go away if your blonde and a sidekick?" I asked placing my phone on my bed.

"Are you here to try and make Bianca jealous again?"

Henry looked down and climbed the steps that led to my bed and sat next to me. "I'm sorry about that."

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes.

"I really am." Henry sighed.

I looked away from him and sighed.

"I should apologize too." I mumbled. "I over reacted."

"No, you didn't." Henry denied, holding the bag out to me. "Here."

I took the bag from him and looked inside and saw three stuff animals, cake and a sweatshirt.

"Aww their adorable." I squealed pulling out the stuffed animals.

"I knew you would like them." Henry laughed. "And I had to make sure I got you cake."

"Thanks Hen." I smiled pulling him into a hug. "Your the best friend a daughter of a superhero could ask for."

I felt Henry stiffen when I said best friend and heard him sigh.

"Yeah, best friend." Henry sighed but I didn't think much of it.


Sorry it's short! I'll try to update again soon.

I hoped you enjoyed it!

I love you all💕

~ Leigh-Anne

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