Invisible Brad

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Leah's POV

"Hey? Hey Lee, Char." Henry said walking out of the storage room. I looked up from my spot next to Charlotte and raised an eyebrow and Charlotte looked up from her computer she was trying to find information on a motorcycle thief.

"Yeah, what's up?" Charlotte ask.

"Have you, uh, have you noticed anything weird going on with Ray?" Henry questions and I snort.

"Henry, your forgetting we're talking about my dad when is he not doing anything weird." I explained.

"Everyday, all the time." Charlotte adds. "Why?"

"No, I mean he's been taking like when nobody else is around." Henry explains and I turn to him confused.

"He's been talking to himself?" I said slowly.

"Yeah." Henry nodded. "Like full on conversations with people who aren't even there."

"Well, my uncle Roscoe talks to his food before he eats it." Charlotte mentions.

"What's he say?" Henry asks.

"Stuff like, Well hello hamburger your about to take a trip down to belly town!" Charlotte replies in a deep voice rubbing her stomach.

The sprocket then opened and my dad walks out with Delilah beside him. My dad was talking to someone that wasn't even there but I wasn't to worried my dad does a lot of weird stuff.

Henry gestures to it and we all move closer so we can hear the conversation.

Delilah walked over to us and she looked like she was freaking out on the inside.

My dad spots us and smiles. "Hey, guys you got anymore information on that motorcycle thief?" He then slaps the air behind him. "Will you not stand so close to me?"

Henry, Charlotte and I share looks staring at my dad like he had three heads and a monkey tail.

"Why are you guys staring at me?" My dad wonders.

"Uh...." Charlotte, Delilah and I trailed off.

"Because you're talking to nobody!"

Charlotte, Delilah and I turn to Henry and shushes him and He shushes us back.

"It's got to be said!"

"Right, I haven't introduced you to Invisible Brad." My dad chuckles and I frown.

"Who?" I asked.

"Brad, this is Henry and Charlotte." My dad introduces the two before turning to Delilah and I. "And these are my daughters Leah and Delilah, you met Leah before."

"Oh yeah!" I said smiling remembering when I met him a few years ago.

Charlotte and Henry looked at each other and shrugged.

Charlotte awkwardly waved. "Hi, Brad."

"Looking good, Brad!" Henry smiled awkwardly.

"Brad, say hi." My dad nods toward us but Brad didn't reply. "Brad? Come on, Brad!"

My dad then started to feel the air while groaning in annoyance then turned to us. "Hate it when he does this, Brad! Brad! Where are you? Come on, this isn't funny anymore, man! Brad!"

It's kinda sad to see my dad chasing Brad because he looks ridiculous while touching the air while talking to 'himself'.

"This is so sad." Charlotte whispers to us.

"He's not okay." Henry adds and I nod.

"He's never been ok." I add as we watch my dad chase Brad.

A few minutes later my dad caught Brad. "Ah! Gotcha!" He grunts and throws him to the side sending Brad into a cart knocking it down making all of us jump.

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