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The sound of your strangled cry rips you out of your nightmare and back into the waking world as you claw at your face in an attempt to tear the creature's phantom tentacles from it. Your eyes adjust to the dimly lit room as you cease struggling. You feel a bead of sweat slide down your back between your shoulder blades, chest heaving. Both Rey and Kylo sit up in bed, each placing a comforting hand on your arm. You begin to sob softly, exhausted by yet another episode.

It has been over a month since the incident and you still can't make it through a single night peacefully. The creature that haunts you, the boss, you had learned was an Anzat. The knowledge that the cold pulseless monster had been seconds away from consuming your brain matter had not helped your recovery. He is dead, sliced in half by Kylo's lightsaber. Unfortunately, the trauma he caused is very much alive, the memories on repeat in your mind. You pretend not to notice the concerned glance that passes between Rey and Kylo.

"Just breathe," Rey says.

And you do.

Giving in to the calming energy being fed into you through their touch is a welcome reprieve. The feeling is that of a thick warm liquid being poured over your body and soul, blocking out the fear and stress that haunts you. Your eyes wander over your bedroom, taking in the familiar setting and grounding yourself in reality. You fall back onto the sheets and close your eyes, grateful to be safe in their arms.

All those weeks ago, with Kylo in the throes of battle, their Dyad had alerted Rey. She had been a passenger, passing him energy and strength as Kylo beat back his many assailants in his effort to get to you in time. As soon as the creature had been eliminated and she was assured that the two of you were out of imminent danger she had rushed to return to your side. When you woke from your medically induced coma several days later, they were both there.

A bruised and bandaged Kylo was resting his head on the mattress near your shoulder and Rey was punching away on her datapad in concentration when your eyes finally fluttered open.


Your voice came out a raspy whisper and you were desperate with thirst. When Kylo's eyes lifted to meet yours the world melted away. His expression changed from surprise to relief. Rey's delicate hand on your arm drew your attention to her and you felt your face pull into a small smile, taking in her radiant beauty.

"You're here," you croaked.

Nodding she said, "I'll call the doctor."

While you waited, you watched Kylo kiss the back of your hand, continuing a trail of kisses across your knuckles before bringing your hand up to his cheek. His eyes were misty.

The doctor explained that you had been kept comatose so that they could run the necessary tests, search for internal physical damage and ensure that the Anzat had not succeeded in feasting on your brain matter. Leaving nothing to chance, they had also administered a heavy round of antibiotics to fight off any potential exposure you may have endured. He reported that all tests had come back satisfactorily. Assuming you were able to pass the remaining cognitive tests, you should expect a full recovery.

A violent shiver coursed through your body. That thing had penetrated you. You felt disgusting and violated, involuntarily pulling your hand away from Kylo's, clutching it to your chest.

In the weeks that followed, everything progressed relatively smoothly. Laundsky, you had learned, had been the one to fire on the Anzat. Meaning, he had effectively saved your life before Kylo violently finished the job. The children you had rescued made full recoveries and had been reunited with their families. The sheriff had visited you in the hospital prior to your release, thanking you for your great service to Okiwaanins and expressing his immense personal gratitude.

Cherchant (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now