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Kylo climbed out of the Silencer and started toward to the coordinates of the hidden bounty puck. Still on edge from the interrogation he'd gotten from Republic guards as he'd entered the atmosphere, he kept glancing over his shoulder expecting a welcoming committee. No one came. It seemed that his deceit had worked. Thinking of you, aching slightly at the distance between you, he recalled the man's memories that you had shown him.

Something felt off, a disturbance in the Force shimmered in his peripheral. With his hand on his saber, he cautiously made his way through the trees. Eventually, the tree from the bounty hunter's memory appeared before him. Its large distinctive shape emerged as if from a dream. He reached into the gap in the trunk with his leather-gloved hand and dug out a few handfuls of dirt and moss until the puck surfaced. He picked it up and turned it over in his hand before switching it on. A hologram sprung forth, a tiny furious version of Kylo Ren. He watched the bulky form swing his old saber menacingly. He grimaced at it, hating the way it made him feel.

He was brought back to reality by the sound of a branch snapping in the quiet forest. In one fluid motion, Kylo switched off the puck and slid it into his pocket with one hand while drawing his saber with the other. Spinning on his heel to face the intrusion he unintentionally mirrored the movements from the hologram.

There was nothing there.

On edge, Kylo quickly made his way back to his ship. He knew he'd have to be careful to avoid a tail. This planet's shipbuilding industry was still in full swing and being monitored closely by those whose interests kept the industry churning.

On his way in, he'd witnessed several ships emerge from the nearest factory to go on test runs. He knew that if he waited patiently, he'd be able to slip off planet while the next round of test ships muddied the radar. It was becoming clear that he had to wait until morning for his chance.

— — —

Unlike Corellia, Edoterra didn't have much in the way of planetary security. Neither the newly bolstered Republic nor its diametric counterparts had given much thought to it after its main industry had died out. The justice system is rudimentary, comprised of locally elected public servants who maintain order and settle disputes using fact-based analysis before a jury of peers. This range of practice varies slightly across the planet's major islands.

Okiwaan, the planet's most populous city-island, housed the highest-ranking council members. Kylo understood that your fate was in their hands.

Gliding above the sea in serene moonlight, Kylo kept the Silencer dark as he approached the cliff face below his villa. His skill as a pilot was superior enough to preclude the use of lights. The energy around him was tense and expectant. He could feel your signature pulsing vaguely through space but he needed to know you were okay. As much as he hated having to, he knew Kaav as the person to contact now. Shaking his head at the thought, Kylo climbed out of the Silencer and up the steps. As soon as his fingertips touched the door he felt her.


He expected to see her across their connection when he opened the door. She'd speak to him from across the galaxy.

But something felt different.

The hallway was dark as he followed it toward the dim light emanating from the main room.

For a brief moment he thought he could smell her.

Rounding the corner, he froze, dropping his bag. This was no dyad connection. She was here, in his villa, standing before him, back turned to him.

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