Chapter 1

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Forgot to mention. This story will contain slight manga spoilers. So if you don't know Shigaraki's past, I advise you don't read.

Today started out as any other day. I woke up to the sun shining in through my window. I really need to get some curtains. I got up slowly and walked to my closet. I grabbed a pair of scrubs, a pair of f/c panties and a matching bra. I walked to my bathroom to take a quick shower before work.

I turned the water on to it's hottest because I always liked the feeling of warm water hitting my body. I slowly got undressed for I was still very tired. I got into the shower and soaked up the feeling of the hot water running down my body. I stood still for a few minutes the enjoying the warmth. Then I grabbed my soap and started washing myself. I was wide awake now for the hot water woke me up.

I got out of the shower, careful not to slip. I dried myself and got dressed. Then I grabbed my phone and went out to my kitchen for breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, I didn't know what to eat. After s few minutes of standing around in my kitchen thinking of what to eat, I eventually decided on a granola bar. (If you don't like those I'm sorry. Just think of a different food.)

I head out the door with my breakfast in hand. I started heading to the bus fast while eating. I was running a bit late because of the extra timeI spent in the shower. I finally got on the bus and sat in my usual spot. I noticed there was someone sitting in the seat next to mine, which was usually empty. I have never seen him before and wondered he was new to town or just visiting. I couldn't see much of his face as he was hunched forward and had a good on. I could see that had really light blue hair that was nearly white.

"Are you just gonna stare at me?" I heard a very raspy voice say. The man brought my attention back to the world and I noticed I was staring at him. I could feel my face turn a deep shade of red. Now I could see his whole face. He had scars on his eyes and his lips looked very chapped. Not only that but his neck look all tore up.

I caught myself staring at him again. Quickly I thought of something to say. "Oh um, sorry I just, um, I've just never seen you before. Are you new here? Or just visiting?" I questioned. He looked me up and down causing me to gulp.

"Just visiting." He finally replied. I nodded my head and opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Even though he had all those scars, he was still beautiful. Wait. What am I thinking. I don't even know his name. But we can certainly fix that.

"Um, what's your name?" I asked. He looked back up at me. His face had confusion written all over it which caused me to be confused as well. Finally he cleared his throat and answered.

"My names Tenko Shimura." He said. Tenko Shimura. That's a cute name. Ugh, Y/N, stop thinking like that you just met him. For all you know, he might be a villain. His voice brought you back to reality. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Oh um, my name is F/N L/N." He nodded and looked back at the floor. We almost to my stop but I still wanted to know more about him. So quickly I asked him what his quirk was. He looked back at me, his blood red eyes wide for a second before going back to normal.

"Um, I-I don't have a quirk." He stuttered out. He cleared his throat and spoke up more clearer. "What's your quirk?" He asked. I thought about it for a second. Should I really tell a stranger my quirk? I mean, he seems nice enough. It'll be fine right? Right?

"My quirk is healing. So basically I can heal other people. The bigger the injury the longer it will take to heal. Oh, also, it stops me from getting affected by other quirks. I said.

Tomura's POV

A healing quirk, huh? And she doesn't get affected by other quirks. So does that mean I can touch her without hurting her? Does it work with all quirks? Can I touch her anywhere? Ugh. Get yuour head out of the gutter, Tomura. But still, I have so many questions about her. Suddenly, her soft voice purr me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, this is my stop. I have to leave. It was nice meeting you though. Bye." She said. After she got off the bus I fallowed her. She walked into a hospital so I was guessing that's where she works. I'm getting more information on her. That's good. For now I'll go back to the base and call Giran. Maybe he can help me get more info on her.

I know this is short but don't worry I'll try to update as fast as I can. I doubt this will get many reads anyway.

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