Chapter 4

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This chapter is somewhat lemon. Basically just Tomura being a perve.

Tomura's POV

She's perfect. She's so beautiful and kind. No one has ever been that kind to me besides master. She was making sure I ate and everything. She even plays video games. And not to mention her quirk. I can touch her. And she won't disintegrate. I love her. She's just so perfect it's as if she was made for me. And I want her all to myself.

Today I'm going to her apartment. When she left me in her bedroom so she could go buy food, I found a spare key. Hopefully she didn't notice it was gone. I wanted some of her stuff. That way I could always have a part of her around.

When I got to her apartment, I went straight to her bedroom. I started looking through her stuff. I put her brush in the bag I had with me. Then I started looking through her drawers. I found one of her beautiful lacy bras. I quickly threw that in the bag. Then I found some of her panties. I threw some of them in the bag as well. But not before I came in one of the pairs. Oh she was perfect.

Then I started looking through the desk by the bedside. I knew she must have something interesting in there. And then I saw it. I felt a mischievous smile creep onto my face. "Y/N you naughty girl." I said to myself. She had a vibrater. Turns out she isn't as innocent as I thought. Hot. Act so innocent yet really isn't. I like girls like that. I took her vibrater and threw into the bag as well. I figured that would be enough for now. So I decided to leave.


Uggghhhh work is so annoying. Today we had a lot of people coming in from a recent tragedy that had happened in Hosu. I lived quite near to Hosu so I was a little concerned. I was real excited to get home. Though I was sort of worried because Tenko wasn't on the bus this morning. I hope he didn't get hurt in the Hosu incident.

       When I got on the bus, Tenko was there. Thank God. At least now I knew he wasn't hurt. I went to my usual seat next to his. He looked up at me and smiled. Except this wasn't his usual smile. It looked...mischievous. Like he was thinking of something evil. Then he spoke up.

       "Hey, I was thinking, if you don't have anything to do tonight, why don't you come on over to my place?" He said. I thought about it for a second. What's the worst that could happen? I mean he seems pretty nice. After a few more seconds of thinking, I made up my mind.

       "You know what I have stuff to do tonight. But I would be perfectly fine with tomorrow if that's ok with you?" I said. He nodded his head and said that would be fine. Honestly I couldn't wait. I wanted to see how he lived his life.

     Tomura's POV

     She said she couldn't come tonight. That wouldn't fly. I was eager. I needed her. I couldn't wait another day. I've been waiting for a full month now for her, I couldn't wait any longer. It's fine though. If she wasn't going to come with me willingly tonight, then I would just have to take her. That wouldn't be that hard.

      When we got to her stop, I waited for her to get off first, then I followed. I already knew where she lived, yes, but I just couldn't wait. I would wait until she fell asleep and then I would take. When she got in her apartment, I quickly snuck in without her noticing. She was putting her things on her counter. I quickly snuck the her bedroom as quietly as possible and hid under her bed.

       I heard her get in the shower. That's good. I came out from under her bed and instead sat on it. I saw her phone at the bottom of it. Perfect. I grabbed her phone and started looking through it. She didn't have anything too interesting on it. I looked through her contacts. Not many people. Just her family and friends. I would have to get rid of them later on. Then I started looking through her photos. She had one of me and her that she made me take. That was cute.
     I decided to look in her hidden. She was bound to have some things there. Low and behold, there it was. Exactly what I was looking for. A full body pic with no clothes on. Huh, I wonder who she took that for. "Y/N you really are a naughty girl." I said to myself. Then I heard the water stop. I quickly stuffed her phone in my pocket and slid under the bed.

     I heard her get out of the shower and something. It was a quiet mumble that went along the lines of, "I can't find my phone." This made me smirk ever so slightly. Then that's when I saw her feet right next to the bed where my head was. I saw the towel drop down to the floor. I peeked my head out ever so slightly, just enough to see her body. I could feel my boner growing slowly. If only I could ruin that perfect little body of her's. Destroy her, break her. Mark her as mine. All the thoughts weren't helping whatsoever. I had to bring my head back under the bed and stop looking at her for it was getting to antagonizing.

     Wait until your mine Y/N. I'll make you love me.

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