Chapter 3

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    Y/N POV

     We spent the rest of the bus ride talking about little things. Like how our days were and small stuff like that. The ride felt like hours even though it was only a couple of minutes. But finally we made it to my apartment building.

     "So this is my apartment. I know it's not great. It's pretty small but at least it works." I said. I could feel the blush growing on my face from embarrassment. I heard him mumble something under his breath though I couldn't exactly hear it. It sounded something like, "it's better than my place" or something like that. 

     He was wandering around looking at everything. He seemed pretty interested. Until he walked into my bedroom. I followed him into the room to see him checking everything out. I felt blush creep on my face as I have never had a man in my room before. He looked at me and started smirking.

"What?" He chuckled. That's when I noticed I was staring at him.

"Oh ummm, nothing I just um, well I never had a man in my room before." I said. He started chuckling even more. I looked at my feet as the blush on my face got even worse.

"Well, I'm glad I'm the first one." He mumbled just so I could barley hear it. That made me blush even more. I'm pretty sure I was even more red than a tomato. Well, at least he's happy.

"So, how old are you, Tenko?" I asked. He was really mysterious and interesting. I wanted to know about him.

"I'm 20." He said. He was still checking out my bedroom. God, why was he so interested in my bedroom?

      "Oh that's cool. I'm 19." I said.

      "I know." He said quietly. How did he know?

      "Um, what did you say?" I asked. He just looked at me for a few moments. Then suddenly I completely forgot about the whole ordeal. Instead, I just got lost in his ruby eyes. They were so pretty. That's when I realized he was getting closer to me. Suddenly I was caught between him and the walk. A deep blush creeping to my face.

      I stared into his eyes for what felt like hours but was really only a few seconds then said, "ummm oh I have to go make dinner!" I quickly got out from between him and the walk and rushed to the kitchen. My face was beet red and I couldn't let him see me like this. I didn't know what I was going to make. So I decided to order some katsudon and sushi.

     When the food finally got here I ran right up to the door. Though Tenko didn't seem very excited. "Tenko," I said, "come get some food." He shook his head.

      "Oh it's fine. I didn't know you were ordering food. But I'm not very hungry." He said. I refused to let him starve. He was skin and bones. He looked like he hasn't eaten in months. Besides I'm sure he had a long day and probably was really hungry.

      "Oh no. Your going to come eat. Look at you. You need some meet on your bones. I'm joking of course I think you beautiful. But still, it's a waste of money if you don't eat." I said. I kinda regretted it though. Once I actually thought about what I said, it sounded kind of mean. But he didn't seem bothered by it. He hesitantly got up and came to the kitchen.

     I handed him some food and got myself some food. I dug in immediately. I felt kind of embarrassed as he just started at me in a way I can't quite explain. Finally he started eating. Slowly, but he still ate.

    "Tenko, how much do you eat if you don't mind me asking." I asked. I was starting to think he didn't really eat. And to my surprise, I was right.

    "If you want the truth, I don't eat much. And I do a lot of fighting so that's why I'm so skinny." He said sheepishly. Oh so he was a hero? That's interesting. I've never heard of him before. Unless he was a villain. No. Heh, Y/N your just paranoid there is no way he's a villain. He's way too sweet.

     "Oh you do a lot of fighting, huh? Are you a hero?" I asked. He seemed shocked for a moment but then finally answered.

      "Um, well I'm not exactly a hero. I'm a sidekick." He chuckled.

      "Oh really? To who?"

      "Oh ummmm... Eraser Head." He said. I was surprised. Eraser Head wasn't the sidekick type of hero. I knew that for a fact. I had to help him once in the hospital and we were friends ever since. And I never even knew he had a sidekick. Why didn't he tell me?

     "Wow. I didn't know he had a sidekick. That's awesome. Me and Eraser Head are actually friends. Maybe someday we can hang out." I said. His eyes went even wider and his face went pale.

      "WHAT! I-I mean...yeah sure. That'd be nice. Though um, with all the U.A. attacks he's been pretty busy. And stressed." He said. I just nodded in response. I understood. Hero work was hard. Not that I cared.  I didn't really care for hero's. The only one I actually liked was Eraser Head. I didn't care for any others. Especially since most of them are fake. They only care about money and fame. I guess you could say I agreed with the hero killer Stain. I wonder what Tenko's ideals were? Who am I kidding, he's a sidekick. If he found out I like Stain he would probably hate me.

       The rest of the night was ok. He wanted to play Minecraft with me. We made our own world and everything. I found it he really likes video games. I only play when I'm bored though. When he left I was kind of sad. I was all alone again. And it was nice having company. Maybe we can hang out again though. That's would be fun.

Hey sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I wanted to get this chapter out. The next chapter will be interesting, I promise.

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