The Daffodil.

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          Despite the sunlight illuminating your room through the small cracks between the opaque curtains, you still remained asleep. The birds were tweeting in these early hours of the morning, in which the palace was already bustling before your day had even begun. A gentle knock echoes throughout your room from the opposite side of the hardwood door. Nevertheless, you remained asleep, eyes heavy as you refused to awaken and greet the day.

          After another series of knocks, which did not seem to phase you whatsoever, whomever was on the other side of the door waited several more moments before grabbing the door handle. They gently push it down, as silently as possible, before creaking the door open. The warm eyes of Advisor Horatio rested upon your frame, and he steps into your room. Closing the door silently behind him, he advances to your side at the bed, his footsteps gently and cautious.

          The young man bends over to your level, and gingerly pushes several strands of your hair behind your ear as his eyes inspect you. His fingers glide against your cheek delicately as he spoke: "Princess [Name], it is time to awaken. I must teach you how to prepare the Crown Prince's cup of tea this morning as scheduled."

          You simply groan and shrug him off before turning to the other side of the bed, pulling yourself away from him. You had no idea what the time was, and didn't want anything to do with this palace. You wished you were back home with your family but the expensive sheets you laid within only made it clear to you that what had happened was indeed reality.

          "Princess [Name], you must wake up. The Prince hasn't got a lot of patience left for you and I only fear the worse if you don't awaken. It is already half past six, I have let you oversleep quite a while already. We must hurry," He urges you, putting his knee onto the bed as he leans over to shake your side with his hand.

          "I don't want to," You state groggily, your eyes beginning to part slightly due to the large movement in your body caused by Horatio.

          "But you must," Horatio insists before pulling away and standing up straight, watching your dimly lit figure as you refuse to move another inch. He looks around, unsure of what to do in order to solve this current dilemma. Turning around, he looks to the wardrobe and takes out your uniform, placing it on the opposite side of the bed that you were laying down on.

          Horatio then closes the wardrobe and moves to the dresser, pulling out the drawers to retrieve you some socks as well for the day, which matched well with your traditional, black and white uniform.

          Opening the next drawer containing your underwear, Horatio looks over his shoulder at you. "Do the under garments provided fit you well? What colour would you like to wear today?"

          Coming to the realisation he was going through your dresser, you bolt upright, immediately awoken with a flustered expression upon your countenance.

          "Princess [Name], you have awaken," Horatio states the obvious, a gentle smile on his lips as he watches your flustered behaviour.

          "I can get ready myself. I'll be out in a minute, thank you for preparing my clothing-"

          "But I have yet to prepare your under garments as well," Horatio mentions from over his shoulder, his eyes looking at you quite unbothered.

          "Yes, well, I can do that on my own. You ought to just wait outside," You insist once again, not caring about whatever mess your hair might be in at the moment.

          "If that is what you wish," Horatio confirms, turning to face you in order to bow before making his way out of the room. Once alone, you do a sharp intake of breath in order to regain your composure. Once relaxing yourself and allowing your heart beat to slow down, you get out of bed in order to change.

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