The Violata Odorata.

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                 "I can't believe you won't stop ogling my food," Leonide hisses at you, protectively shielding the three-tiered, golden platter of pastries with his pale hand, shooting a cold glare towards you.

                  You felt the chilling, outdoor breeze of the morning brush against your collarbones as you sat within a private section of the garden, shielded by the rest by tall bushes and towering pine trees of emerald green. In this particular place, there were vibrant violets scattered upon the floor surrounding the greyish cobblestone which formed a circular clearing.

                  Leonide sat with you and Horatio at a table made of brass, consisting of metal vines made of this coppery-toned material that twisted to create a round table with a matching set of chairs. Breakfast tea time was equipped with pastries not too sweet for Leonide's liking, and the fairly forceful breeze did not help you cope with such delicious tarts and treats sat right before you as it swept their scent right into your nostrils.

                  Considering you hadn't eaten dinner nor breakfast, you were fairly hungry as you had quite a load of work to handle. You frown at the young man and retort in a disgusted tone: "It's not my fault that my employer refuses to feed me."

                  "Refuses to feed you? You can go to the kitchen and steal food like the rat you are for all I care!" Leonide argues in return, defending his pride and placing his navy gloved hand upon his heart, pretending that your words had actually offended him. This particular morning, Leonide's hair was not slicked back but rather, his dark locks partially covered his piercing, cerulean blue eyes that refused to stop staring at you so judgementally. He wore his double-breasted cobalt suit, providing that blue was most likely his favourite colour with six silver buttons on either side. Underneath was a pitch-black dress shirt, neatly buttoned up to a matching grey ribbon around his neck. 

                  "A rat? Seriously? The only rat I see here is you," You shoot back, gripping onto the cold, metal edges of the table as you try to restrain yourself from attacking the man before you or his pastries, for that matter.

                  "I am the Crown Prince! I shall pardon your behaviour for now, only because I feel bad for you. You must be going insane in the presence of my charming beauty. While I could be your Prince Charming, I'm afraid that..." He side-eyes you, proceeding to pick up his antique, porcelain teacup.

                  "You're afraid that what? I dare you to finish your sentence, imbecile!"

                  "My, my! Why can't you ever remember who you're talking to?" Leonide sharply responds, raising his hand and flicking you straight in the middle of the forehead as he uses his other hand to calmly sip his tea.

                  "Stop it! You two are like an old married couple, always bickering like this. I'm starting to think you both just enjoy arguing with one another since no matter what I say, you two keep fighting!" Horatio interjects, causing silence to suddenly break out.

                  "Me and her? Married?" Leonide sneers coldly in your direction, his icy eyes trying to conceal a glint of interest at such a request as his raven-black strands of hair aided in shielding his cheekbones from showing their slight rosiness. "Don't be ridiculous. I would never."

                  "That blush on your cheeks says otherwise," You point out in a sing-song tone, only causing Leonide to slam his palms on the table, causing the teacups and plates to rattle slightly as he does so.

                  "Hush! It's just because of the cold!" He insists, proceeding to now cross his arms as he slumps slightly.

                  "Defensive much?" You tease him, a slight laugh leaving your lips before Horatio interrupts once again, not wanting to let matters escalate any further.

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