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Oct. 2018
new tweet from chrisevans

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new tweet from havesomefaith

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new tweet from chrisevans
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If she didn't have to cover the Celtics-Raptors game tonight, Faith would've been content with alternating between squealing and crying the rest of the day.

Chris liking her tweet would've been enough to get her through the rest of the year. But the fact that he'd replied, added a heart, and most likely read her Twitter bio which jokingly declared her his future wife? It was resulting in a chaotic blend of exciting and embarrassing emotions simultaneously. And she didn't know how to deal with it.

Almost an hour later, Faith had to temporarily put her phone on Do Not Disturb because of all the notifications she was getting, mostly from Chris stan accounts tweeting fancams and the like in the conversation. It was funny, especially when she wasn't used to a ton of traffic on her profile despite her status as a sportswriter.

Eventually, the notifications died down and Faith was able to set her phone back to normal—but she still found herself buzzing with excitement as she walked into her office that afternoon. Her close friend and co-worker Cassidy waved as she came in, then rolled over in her chair to Faith's workspace the minute she got settled in. "How are you not screaming your head off right now?"

Faith giggled. "You're seeing the aftermath of a major freak out in the car before I came in here. Can you believe what a sweetheart that man is?"

"It's almost too good to be true." The Latina responded with a dreamy sigh. "Please tell me you're going to enter the contest now."

"I don't know, Cass...those are usually expensive to do, right? I mean since it's for charity, the entries are way up there."

Cass' mouth fell agape, giving Faith a gentle shove of the shoulder. "You're joking, right?"

Faith shrugged sheepishly.

"Girl, you have to enter! Chris is basically expecting you to!"

"Oh, come on. He's not expecting anything—him replying to me was a once in a blue moon situation. He'll probably forget about my existence before the day is out."

"There you go again with the self-deprecation. Cut yourself a little more slack, babe."

Faith sighed as she opened her laptop and signed into Twitter. She cleared a few new notifications and then navigated to Chris' page, clicking on the Omaze handle to find their website. Once there, Chris' charity auction was on the front page and obviously the most heavily promoted. "Okay, so it says here that the lowest level entry is $50."

"See? That's a good sign." Cass said, peering over Faith's shoulder.

Faith's eyes widened as she scrolled further. "Okay, sure, for anyone not named Faith Beaumont it's a good sign. Look at this! The next highest entry is $100, then $250, $500...the highest is $1k. I can't just drop $1k until the deadline, no matter how much I love Chris."

"Wouldn't you rather have at least tried and miss out, than not try at all?"

Faith leaned back in her chair, pensive. Cass was right; she knew that. Then again, she also knew how these online charity auctions worked—more entries increased your chances, sure, but so did the higher priced ones. It was honestly a lose-lose situation.

But, Faith figured it would nag her if she wound up passing on the opportunity. So she scrounged around in her purse and pulled out her wallet. "Fine, I'll do a $250 donation. At least it's for a good cause."

"Atta girl." Cass patted Faith's shoulder before rolling back to her workspace. Faith entered in her credit card information and made the donation, letting out a soft sigh. It was time to get to work, and fast, or else Chris would occupy her thoughts for the rest of the day and focusing would be next to impossible.

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hope you guys enjoyed chapter one! school starts back for me tomorrow, so i'll probably start having to move updates to weekends, but we'll see. as always, comments are appreciated <3

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