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After years of being in Hollywood, Chris was well accustomed to just about all of his female co-stars being classified by the tabloids as his latest girlfriend. It was annoying, but it came with the territory.

Truth was, ever since he and Jenny broke up earlier in the year, starting a new relationship was probably the furthest thing from his mind. But it didn't matter to the folks at TMZ or E! News—they just wanted to be the first to report a story, regardless of it being based on facts or not. It was like a man and a woman couldn't be friends without someone assuming they were together.

He'd taken some time off to focus on bettering himself, and he felt like he'd succeeded for the most part. A few romantic prospects had popped up here and there, much like with Ana, but he'd brushed it aside. Then, it had been to focus on self-care. Now?

It was because of his growing affection for a certain sportswriter.

The closer and closer they drew to the Oscars date, the more Chris wondered if he'd end up facing the music when it came to Faith. It was far too early to even think about that four-letter word, but he'd be lying to himself if he didn't admit to having developed a bit of a crush.

It was weird because although Chris was a romantic through and through, he didn't get crushes easily. A person's looks didn't matter if they had a boring personality or anything of the kind, as it was harder for him to maintain interest. Not so with Faith. If anything, her personality complimented his in such a way that he felt more at ease with her than he had before with anyone in recent memory.

It was getting to the point where even something as simple as a text from her would make him smile. Chris knew it was too early to tell, but if even the smallest part of her reciprocated, there very well could be a future for them somewhere down the line.

Thanksgiving had come and gone; Chris enjoyed it like always, but all it meant was Christmas was that much closer. When he'd asked Faith to join them for Thanksgiving, he halfway regretted it as it may have been too forward—and while she ended up declining, Chris wasn't as bothered as he thought he'd have been. Christmas was special to him and getting to spend it with Faith was going to make it infinitely more so. Not to mention getting to cook with her had an air of domesticity to it.

Saturday rolled around and Chris found himself frustrated due to lack of progression on his screenplay. He wasn't sure why its current trajectory made him want to abandon the whole project, and not having many people to bounce ideas off of made it even more difficult.

Dodger slowly got up from his usual spot in the corner of the living room, leaping onto the couch to rest his head on Chris' lap, as though being able to sense his dad's dilemma.

"Thanks, bub." Chris scratched him lightly behind the ears, Dodger humming happily in response.

Just then, Chris' phone began to ring from its spot on the coffee table in front of him. He reached forward to grab it, looking at the caller ID and seeing that it was Faith. Even though he tried to fight it, a smile touched his face anyway. 

Jeez, he needed to get a grip. "Faith, hi. How's it going?"

"Hey, Chris..." He could tell something was up just by the tone of her voice. "Things would be a whole lot better right now if there weren't four paparazzi camped outside my apartment building. Other than that, everything's great."

Chris sat forward, smile fading instantly. "What the hell? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I just got home from grocery shopping and I can see them crowding near the building entrance. They have cameras and stuff. I don't even know how they even know where I live."

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