My what?

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it was a few days later and the twins spent the afternoon talking about their house and their new friends.

"I'll start first, I made friends with Malfoy and he's such a sweetheart I don't know what you have against him. He also introduced me to Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise Zabini there very intimidating but nice."

Harry interrupts and says "Claire did you meet any girls cause all you have done is talk about boys since we got here"

Claire looks at Harry like he was rude and then she says "yes actually I have, her name is Daphne Greengrass she's nice. oh and Pansy Parkinson's though she is super rude, I just can't believe I have to share a dorm with the girl"

"good for you. Now can I talk about the people I met in Gryffindor? Your Slytherin talk is boring" Harry says with a laugh.

"Go on then"

Harry then starts "so Ron from the train and I share a dorm, you know he has lots of brothers and one sister."
Clare just smiled and acted like she was listening but she didn't care. He then talks about his classes and other things and how Gryffindor's are better than any other house. Claire kept quiet and let her brother ramble on about such things.
The next few days pass by and Clara starting to find her classes Easy and getting good at her classes besides astronomy she never realized how boring the sky can be. She also made a lot of friends with people in her house.

While others were scared to approach her. she didn't think much of it from what her friends say it horrible to be friends with blood traders and muggle-born or as Draco calls them 'mudbloods'. Claire also just thought others from the different houses think she was different from her brother cause everyone else wanted to be his friend.

Later after the potions class, Professor Snape asked Clara to stay back to talk, she was very confused, she didn't think she did anything wrong.

"Clara there's something I need to tell you," said Professor Snape with a low tone voice. "did I do something wrong"

"No, not all've done great in class...I am hoping to talk about....your family.....if that's ok with you?" Said Snape sitting at his desk.

Claire was still confused about why he wants to talk about family. She didn't know much about her family but she has always hoped if there were others just to relate to.

"sure, though why am I here and not my brother," she said in a low voice.

"Because not everything's about him. Uh Clara I don't know how to say this but...I'm your.....godfather" said Snape in a nervous voice

"You my what?" Claire said she didn't know what else to say.

"Yes I know....very inconvenient. But I was going to tell you....when you're more....- much older....but I don't like....keeping that secret from you" said Snape in a low voice looking at Clara in the hope she will be ok with what she found out.

"Will I am happy to have you as my godfather but are you just mine and not my brother's?" She asked still confused about what's going on. though it would explain why he's been so nice to the girl while others mentioned he's the meanest professor there is.

"Yes, only yours...I can't tell you who his godfather is"
"So you knew my parents," Claire asked not confused anymore.

"yes I was Friends....with your mother....lily" there was a long pause before he said something else "Claire I'm the one....who found you...Just you" not looking up from his desk.

"So if you found me was it after Hagrid found my brother?" Claire asked, Snape didn't want to tell her but she needs to know at one point so he told the truth.

"Hagrid found your were hidden....before...
Voldemort...killed your parents..., hints why your brother so famous cause he survived" he says shaking his head and rolled his eyes.

"Ohh alright no wonder why the big one was so nice to him. it's like he didn't care for me." Claire says wondering what was so wrong with her.

"Well don't be upset, I'm the twin that I guess doesn't like attention so it's better if he says the 'chosen one', that's what they call him right?" Claire adds feeling more comfortable talking to him.

"I got to say you very much like your mother... I mean you two do have the same eyes and hair color" Snape says standing.

"Thanks, well I have to go, sorry but I have DADA class soon," Claire says looking at the time than at Snape. she didn't want to leave, she wanted to know more but she had a class to get to.

A/N: I forgot to add this but Claire's eyes change colors, blue and green. she kind of reminds me of myself a bit.

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