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Fawn Hamilton 

After Fawn graduated high school, she took the first job opportunity she saw and signed up to train for the army, mainly to get away from the home she lived in and the abuse she experienced inside. Her mother unfortunately had very bad depression and after she took her own life - whilst Fawn was a teenager - things started to get out of control in the house.

Her father began accusing her. He started blaming her for her mother's death, that her existence worsened her depression and pushed her to suicide, but that wasn't the worst part. 

The worst part was when he switched from verbal abuse to physical. Several times a week, he would get drunk, angry - or both - and that's when Fawn would suffer as a result. Her arms, chest, thighs, legs and stomach would have bruises scattered everywhere. She was treated almost like a punching bag, so you can't blame her for leaving the house the first chance they got.

Before she left her house, carrying the important necessities she needed in a small backpack, she made sure to stop by her best friend's house to say goodbye. Who was this best friend? None other than Jake Peralta.

The two had immediately clicked when they first entered high school together and were always by each other's sides. They did class projects together, pulled top notch pranks on teachers and just had each other's backs. So it broke Fawn's heart when she had to say goodbye to Jake, who did not understand at all why she was leaving.

You see, despite their extremely close friendship, Fawn was always able to hide her father's abuse from him. She was easily able to put up a hard front and could lie very convincingly, so she never had to worry about him discovering that massive secret. She can remember almost crying when she had to say goodbye, especially when Jake began to tear slightly. 

So he wouldn't forget her, she gave him the locket she always wore around her neck, a small photograph of her and her mother inside the lid. He immediately put it around his neck before he told her that he could never forget her, but made her promise to keep something of his with her at all times. 

He looked around him and saw a photo of them at their prom - dressed up with ecstatic smiles on their face - on the nearby table in a frame, so he quickly took it out and pressed it into Fawn's hands, a sad look on his face.

They exchanged one last hug and with that, she said goodbye.

Once she was accepted into training for the army, she took everything dead serious. She shaved her long, luscious locks off right down to a buzzcut, trained day and night, put in extra hours and after a year of vigorous training, she came out of her training group with the highest results and was sent off to fight.

It took a while for her to completely get to grips with fighting in wars or to protect her country, but once she'd fought a few times, things became second nature. 


But after ten years of serving the army, the last four as a sergeant, she encountered a traumatic event. After this event, she decided that maybe she should find a different job. So, she retired from her army work and when she overheard about the job of a police detective, she decided that would be the closest thing to serving the country. 

So like her army training, she took it all extremely seriously so she could succeed, which she did. Three months of training and a graduation later, she was able to apply at a precinct as a police detective.

Jake Peralta

After Jake graduated high school, he was in no rush to get a job and his mother never tried to push him out into the real world. Despite his father leaving him at a very young age, Jake's mother was always there for him when he needed comforting or if he wanted someone to re-watch Die Hard films with. 

Sometimes he really missed his father and he would cry in his room at night, praying that he would come back home so they could all be a family again. And other nights, he would scream and shout into his pillow in complete anger, frustrated that his father left him and his mother.

He unquestionably counted Fawn as his best friend and knew that Fawn was always there for him because whilst he does remembers the pranks and jokes, he also remembers the times she fought for him. 

Jake knew that he wasn't popular and he did get picked on for various reasons, the most used ones being that because his father left, he wouldn't amount to anything, he was a loser and hung out with losers. When Fawn discovered that people were saying these things to Jake, she immediately found every single person that said anything hurtful to him and gave them a very impactful warning never to do it again.

She threatened them all if they didn't stop being arseholes and for those who weren't intimidated, she planted cheat sheets in their desks either until they stopped or they were near expulsion. Once it had all pretty much stopped, Jake's confidence practically sky-rocketed. He was less self-conscious around other people, exuded more joy and was just happier.

That all changed when Fawn left after their graduation. Jake was deeply shattered when she left, but he always held on to the locket she gave him. The night of her leaving, he can remember feeling terrible sorrow in his heart, but he knew that Fawn wouldn't want him to be this sad and that he should go do something great.

Which was another reason that made him want to become a police officer, other than his obsession with Die Hard. So he studied hard, trained hard and it all paid off. He became a police officer and eventually, was promoted to a police detective and was relocated to the 99th precinct, where he has been working for roughly eight years. 

Although neither him or Fawn forgot each other, helped by the locket and the photograph, they have not seen each other since they were about eighteen. 

Both of them are now about thirty.

So, now that Fawn Hamilton and Jake Peralta's background has been explained, shall we travel to Brooklyn and see what events unfold?

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