Would You Get Along?

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Would you get along with your own sign?

Aries♈     HELL NO!

Taurus♉     Only if one of us is dead

Gemini♊     Yes, we'll be cute together

Cancer♋     Probably, the potential is strong

Leo♌      HAHA, never, we're both attention whores

Virgo♍     Yeahhh... We'll probably end up ruling the world together.

Libra♎     Of course! Who isn't friends with Libra?

Scorpio♏     Surprisingly yes, and the world will stay intact

Sagittarius♐     No no no no, all chill will be lost

Capricorn♑     Nope, too much emotion

Aquarius♒     Yeah, we'll probably get married

Pisces♓     No, I'm sorry, it'll just be too dangerous

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