Chapter 3

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Ross sat on his normal stool as he watched the customers passing through the store, his fingers tapping anxiously on the counter top. It was about 5:30 and Carter still wasn't there yet. He had to keep telling himself that she was supposed to come at 6:00. She obviously wasn't going to come as early as she did yesterday. He checked his watch as the minutes passed and he took the time to try and fix his hair. He hoped he looked okay.

He had decided on a more casual look today, wearing a light great shirt with a "Top Gun" logo on it along with a pair of light blue ripped jeans and some converse. At about 5:45 Ross was checking his watch again when he heard the jingle from the door ring through his ears. His head  shot up to see who it was coming in and the beanie gave it away. His smile grew as Carter made her way through the doorway, her eyes landing on his. She sent him a smile as she walked towards him. He got off the stool and waited for her.

Carter's smile grew the closer she got to him and she admired just how lovely he looked in the jeans he was wearing. As she approached him, she felt an overwhelming urge to hug him, but she knew she couldn't do it. When she go to him, she spoke softly.


"Hello," he said, and his voice sounded heavenly to her ears. Ross cleared his throat, "how was your day?" He sounded more nervous than he intended and tried to play it cool. It was so hard to though when he had been waiting all day to be with her again and now that she was here he was barely prepared enough to spend two hours with alone with her.

"It was pretty good," she said, warmed by the fact that he had cared enough to ask. "How has your day at the store been?"

Ross shrugged and stuck his hands in his pockets, causing Carter's eyes to widen a bit before catching herself. She had grown quite fond of this action he had done so often when he was around her, and she always felt the urge to stare. But looking for too long would turn the whole situation awkward so she tried her best to ignore it. 

This time though she was caught off guard because it hadn't even been a minute with him and he had already done something that was a weakness for her. After just a few seconds, she looked back up to catch his gaze, and her cheeks flamed when she realized he had answered her and she had no clue what he said.

And judging by the look on his face, he knew she hadn't heard it either.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" she stuttered, totally embarrassed by the situation she'd put herself in.

Ross chuckled as he licked his lips a bit.

"I said, it's been pretty slow here, and I'm glad you showed up," he said.

The first time Ross had said it, it came out a bit shy, but the second time it was more confident, because Carter had been so flustered by him. He knew he had done something to make her react that way she did, but he didn't know what it was exactly. He hoped to find out.

 "Oh okay. Yeah, it looks kind of dead in here," Carter said, looking around.

Soon enough 6:00 rolled around and Ross locked up the place. Carter tried not to stare as he walked away from her towards the door but she couldn't help it, he looked too good in those jeans.

Ross stopped by the acoustics on the way back to her. "Same one from yesterday?" he asked, reaching for the dark brown guitar.

"Yes please," Carter said with a smile.

He handed it to her with a big smile on his face and when she grabbed it from him, her hand touched his and she felt a shiver run through her. She blushed when she felt goosebumps rising on her arms and Ross stuck his hands back in his pockets. She was losing her mind watching him and had to avert her attention.

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