Chapter 2

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Ross spent the next two days checking his phone, hoping the girl from the store would message him. He couldn't get her out of his head. With a loud huff, he plopped on the couch. 

"I should have just asked for her number. That would have worked better, huh Jet?" he said to his puppy, scratching gently behind the floppy ears. "Why didn't I think of that in the store?"

Jet rolled closer to Ross and laid a paw on his lap. Ross picked up his phone once more to check again. When the screen was still blank, he put it face down on the coffee table and put his feet up right next to it, crossing them. He turned on the TV and flipped mindless through the channels.


A few blocks away in a cute little apartment building, Carter was making herself dinner. Two days ago she met a cute boy and the cute boy gave her his number, and somehow she has done absolutely nothing with it yet.

I can't call him, I can barely speak on the phone to my mother, she thought to herself. And if I text him, that's too impersonal. Maybe I can go back into his store. No, that's awkward, what would be my reasoning behind that?

She argued back and forth with herself a bit longer before shouting, "This is useless! Why did he have to be so charming?" Defeated, she sat down to eat her dinner.

And more importantly, why is this cute charming, singing, guitar playing boy interested in me?

She let out a sigh thinking it over.

Maybe tomorrow, she thought again, maybe tomorrow I'll figure it out.


It was getting late and Ross decided he should go to bed. He turned off the TV and stood up, stretching. "Come on Jet, let's go to bed."

The little dog followed him up the stairs into the room, and hopped up onto Ross' bed, waiting for him to get in. He pulled his shirt over his head quickly and threw it on the floor. He then crawled into bed. Jet crawled up next to his side, and Ross pet the puppy on the ears.

"Pray for me that tomorrow is my lucky day, Jet," he whispered to the puppy what was now cozily laying in the space between Ross' side and arm.

With that he reached over and turned off the lamp on the nightstand. Within minutes, he was out like a light.

Somewhere around 9 am, Ross was woken up by Jet liking his face. It would have scared him, if he wasn't used to waking up the same way for the past few months. He sat up with a stretch, and the covers fell down his torso. He flipped them off, revealing that some time during the night he took his pants off, as he was currently just in his green and pink striped boxers. 

He shrugged, thinking that it must have gotten too hot in the middle of the night.

He made his way downstairs towards the kitchen, to get Jet's food ready. He walked into the kitchen, setting his phone down on the small kitchen table. He then grabbed Jet's food bowl from the top of the fridge, and put a scoop of food into the dish, setting it down on the ground. Jet came scrambling from the other room, after hearing the food being poured. The little puppy ran so fast that her paws skidded across the wooden floor and she slipped into the food dish, causing pieces to fly everywhere. 

Ross chuckled as he shook his head. "Jetta, you goofball," he said, bending over to pick up the stray pieces of food. 

Just then, he heard his phone vibrate on the table, causing his head to shoot up quickly. He stood in one place just staring at his phone before jumping forward to grab it. He knew this was childish of him, but he couldn't help it. He just wanted to see this girl again.

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