Chapter 9, Parts 5-6

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"Curiosity getting the best of me, but not wanting to appear too eager I employ some of Signe's brown-nosing tactics

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"Curiosity getting the best of me, but not wanting to appear too eager I employ some of Signe's brown-nosing tactics." @casey_case_face

"You know, your Ladyship," I venture behind a mask of admiration. "Your responsibilities as Countess must be very trying. It would take someone of incredible skill to handle it all."

The Countess thinks for a moment. "It is quite trying, being a leader of all the rabble. Even I sometimes I wonder how I keep poised all the time!"

"Indeed, your Ladyship," I reply. "Forgive my inquiry, but do you ever grow tired of all the effort it requires? I would hardly want you to strain yourself."

The Countess nods. "It has been rather tiring, especially this recent journey to Edevane. With talk of this comet, the Duke's canceled party, and my husband's recent political exploits, I often feel quite... exhausted, to be frank."

I wonder how best to push forward. The Countess is hardly a secretive woman, but something feels different about this particular message. I have to be careful to ensure that I extract information without causing suspicion. "It must also be very difficult to be constantly receiving news about the goings-on in the Duchy."

"Absolutely," The Countess says. "I would much rather spend time painting with you girls, but now I must go meet my husband and his advisers!"

My interest burns. The news, whatever it was, caused the Earl to gather a meeting of the most important people from Helsetine. Clearly, whatever happened is of note. "Of course your Ladyship would like to keep painting. Perhaps, If the Earl allows, may I attend this meeting in your stead? I can inform you of any particulars, and you can stay here until your painting is finished."

The Countess thinks for a moment. "The Earl may not like that."

I smile, pressing her ego just a bit farther. "Surely the Earl can see what hard work you've been doing. Don't you deserve a break?"

The Countess nods. "Very well, Ingrydd. Clean up and go to the cellar in half an hour."

I nod, standing up, congratulating myself on my manipulation. As I leave, I catch a glimpse of Signe from behind her canvas.

She's furious.

The cellar is damp, and I find myself almost wiping beads of sweat off my brow before remembering that it would be inappropriate of a handmaid to do so

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The cellar is damp, and I find myself almost wiping beads of sweat off my brow before remembering that it would be inappropriate of a handmaid to do so. The court wizard stands beside me, indifferent, and several advisers lounge around the table in the center of the cellar. The Earl sits at the head in a simply decorated chair, stark in its difference from the dusty shelves filling the room. The villa the Earl and Countess are renting in Edevane has little wine stored, and they have to be careful about their consumption. Such are the woes of the nobility who have a notorious lack of thrift. I'm somewhat curious as to why they chose to meet in the coldest, most humid part of the villa, but I don't ask.

The Earl turns to me. "So, Hilde refused to come, eh?"

I nod respectfully. The Earl is a tubby, hardly intimidating man, but I do my best to convey an air of deference. "She quite enjoys her painting sessions, your Lordship, and sent me in her stead."

The Earl grunts. "Well, hopefully you make less noise than her. She's got a laugh worse than a horse."

The advisers chuckle, and the court wizard smirks. I force a silent smile, though I often find the Earl's jokes crude and distasteful.

An adviser belches, tossing a coin from one hand to the next. "Damn, where is he? He said he was just outside the gates of Edevane."

"We shouldn't rush him," the court wizard interjects. "He is... a very prestigious Silencer, and his quarry is troublesome."

Silencer? Quarry? I think. I wait for more information, but none is forthcoming. The advisers continue to drivel on, break wind, and drink ale, waiting for the hunter to arrive.

The cellar door opens, and Enrí, the manservant, slips in. "The Watcher has arrived with the prisoners, your Lordship."

The Earl grins. "Send them in."

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