chapter 7;Saafir.

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"Some lies and truths can break a person completely".


Saafir's P.

I woke up late, I tilt my head and saw her hugging herself tears flowing down and had her covered from the neck.

" Nadia",

I wake up moving close, making her to look at me.

"Are you okay?",

I ask despite knowing how she feels.

"We shouldn't have done this",

She cries more as I pull her on my chest.

"Don't, don't!",

I pull her and kiss her, then i pull away smiling.

"I love you and we didn't do anything wrong, okay?",

I pull her into a kiss once again.

After we are done i ask her if she wants something


She answers.

"But you barely ate",

She ignores me, I sigh and order Icecream for her, coffee and omelet for myself.

She ate her icecream slowly.

"Hey what's wrong?", She stands up and goes far from me.


I turn her forcefully and made her pour some Icecream on herself.

"Take that off ",

I say and she gives me a 'are-you-mad' look, I smile and opened my towel.

"Take that off it's cold and dirty, come here"

I explain to her, she hesitated and open her mattress slowly, I pull it down and hug her.

She didn't though! after a few seconds she hugs me back.

"I am scared Saafir!",

She sobs.

"Hey i am right here with you okay?",

I say and she nods, i pull away and kiss her.

We are done with our makeout session, She is still lost in her thoughts.


"Hey, do you know how much i love you?",

She looks at me trying to get up i pull her back.

"I would be crazy for letting you feel like this",

I say as She smiles putting her cold hands on my chest, while i admiring the marks on her neck down to her chest.

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