Chapter 15; Nadia

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Nadia's pov

I pull my hand away and stare at him,

"Speak once and don't come to my place again",

I directly order him.

He runs his finger through his hair,

"I, I am sorry..."

He says as he steps one step closer. I took two backwards.

"I made alot of mistakes but i want you, i stepped off my limits and today i live with regret, Please i'm sorry",

He takes my hand on his.

"Saafir, you are the only guy i've ever loved",

I smile.

"I committed a grave sin just for you , you had controlled me in every way and I let you".

"In return you, You not only fucked with my body but my entire life!".

"But I am so happy for that, cause at last you erased everything about you in me, just this baby and this baby is mine",

I cry as i speak

" I don't need you, you are mistake and brought nothing but pain and sleepless night for me, i am happy without you, now please leave me alone",

I turn to leave.


He pulls me close, he held my waist and moved closer.

"I don't believe that you_, you feel nothing",

His eyes streamed tears.

"Find anything",

I look straight at him.

"You not only broke me but made me hate myself",

I cry.

"I don't love you anymore nor hate you!".

I tell him,


I pull myself away and leave.

"Please I am sorry, don't leave, don't say that, I made mistakes but I love you",

He's down, My eyes filled with tears.

I wanna hug him, kiss him say It's ok, but i left.


I reached home and cried, I love him!, i put pillows on my face not wanting them to hear, yet they heard and Shadia and Yusra came to calm me down.

"I can't, i can't do this, I thought i am strong but...",

I cry more, Shadia, Yusra cried too.

"Please calm down",

Shadia hugs me,

"I don't understand what you are going through but for us and our baby stop crying",

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