Chapter 2. Nadia.

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I matured a lot & i know it, alot of shit dont move me like it used to". summy07



"I just don't wanna waste my time on such girls",

Saffir just said that and left

I tried to leave but one of those pulled my scarf hard,

Thankfully I held it before it could came off then turned with a direct slap on his face

"Doesn't mean that I keep quiet, you'll cross your limits",

I fumed as the one I slapped turned with Dracula face, they tried to come close but stopped.

"Hey you, what are you doing?",

Drew came to where we were and they went away.

"Are you okay?",

He asked i pulled my hijab front, smiled at him then left.

It is night time, they arranged bonefire, i moved close to Annastasia while eating our snacks that's when most students gathered near us.

"What's going on? ",

Annastasia asked.

"I don't know",

That's all i replied.

Mr Roovel came with an announcement.

"I heard that there are bullies in this campus",

I turned to Drew but he ignored me.

"My warning to them is that, if they repeat again, you will be back from where you came from".

Sir left and so everyone dispersed.

"Drew seriously ",

I went over and scowled at him.

"What if i had kept quiet then the matter would have been worse".

He exclaimed while everyone agreed with him.

It's late at night and everyone's going to their chambers, same as i, but in my case as usual those boys pulled me aside and twisted my wrist.

"Let me go!",

I screamed.

"Oww yah, when you went to complain, you didn't think of the consequences huh!",

They squeezed my cheeks hard.

"Now go complain to God",

One of the guy spat and Squeezed more hardly and I hiss.

I kicked their balls and bite the hand of the one who the one, squeezing me then I ran to my room.

I couldn't sleep the whole night despite praying, reciting quran, reading duas still i couldn't sleep till 4am.


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