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It was disgustingly humid in my room. I felt sweaty and almost as if my skin would melt. It probably would if I don't leave my room soon.

I sat up and opened a drawer from my white dresser, pulling out some black basketball shorts. I stood and pulled my pants off. The denim felt like it had been soaked with my sweat. I put on the shorts feeling a  not as sweaty then pulled off my T-shirt and walked out my room wearing the basketball shorts and a pair of mismatched socks.

Coming out of my room, I realised, the whole house was humid and hot. Almost like some sort of green house, but I am no plant.

I made my way to the black fridge in the corner of the kitchen. I licked my lips opening the small top door and grabbed my favorite. Mint chocolate chip.

I didn't bother to put it in a bowl. I walked to the other side of the kitchen and pulled open a drawer and grabbed the smallest spoon. I couldn't eat ice cream without my small spoon. I took my gallon of ice cream and sat at the dining table.

I pulled back the lid on that baby. Some ice cream on the lid. I quickly licked it of smiling after feeling the coolness of the ice cream. I licked my lips and dug my spoon into the somewhat hard ice cream and put it into my mouth, savoring the taste.

I laid back into the chair and ate my ice cream as I looked at the black  and empty screen of my television.

I had been eating for a while but my ice cream was getting all soft. I frowned and looked down seeing I ate about half the gallon. "Jesus, I'm gonna feel horrible later" I sighed and put the lid onto the ice cream. I threw my spoon into the empty sink and walked to the fridge opening the freezer and putting the ice cream back.

The ice cream had kept me cool while eating it but now that it was put up, I still felt all gross and hot. I made my way to the front door of my house and slipped on a pair of black sandals that I kept by the door. People may say my socks and sandals are a hate  crime to society but I just like it. I opened the front door walking out, feeling a wave of heat into my face.

"Why is it so hot today?" I asked to myself quietly. Today the public pool must be open. I'll just go there. I closed the door and walked briskly to my room rummaging around for my swimming trunks. I saw purple in my peripheral vision and looked at it seeing my trunks. I grinned and took it out. I closed the drawer and walked to my closet, grabbing a back pack and put it onto my bed. I put my trunks into there then walked to my dresser again and grabbed the sunscreen sitting on it. I walked to my bag putting it into there.

I looked at my bag thinking of what else I needed. I would need some snacks and maybe a cold drink of some kind. I can stop at the gas station for those. I looked at my legs and frowned. "I need to shave my legs." I didn't always shave but I hadn't shaven in a while and they were very hairy. I walked to the bathroom and opened the door, switching on the light.

I took off my shorts along with my boxers. Then took off my sandals i forgot i was wearing and my socks. I turned the shower on. I waited for the water to heat up a bit as I looked into the reflection of my naked body. I didn't too bad expect for some of my longish black hair that stuck to my face or neck because of all my sweating. I smelt the steam from the shower and then got in.

The shower was hot but I realized that it was uncomfortable this time as it had been hot all day. I turned the shower to a cooler setting. I sighed in relief feeling the cooling water against my skin. I quickly grabbed some shaving gel and smothered it onto a leg. I grabbed my razor and began to shave quickly. Once I finished one leg, I moved onto the other. I made sure to get all the hair.

I finished shaving and then did a quick body  wash as I'd wash my hair after the pool. I finished turning off the shower. I opened the curtain and grabbed a towel, first drying my face and soon, the rest of my body. I wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped out and opened the door. I went to my room and to my dresser. I grabbed some black socks and black boxers. Then I closed that drawer, opening another and found a pair of dark blue pants and and a black band Tee. It had the word Lemon im yellow and underneath a yellow lemon with red devil horns and below that had demon in red words. I put the clothes onto my bed and turned to his dresser, grabbing the lotion and lathered myself up.

After applying lotion, I put on my clothes quickly and rushed the the bathroom, brushing his hair. I was a bit excited to go to the pool. It was a hot day, and I had nothing to do. I flipped thr bathroom light off and went to my room grabbing my backpack and slipping on my sandals from the bathroom and headed to the front door. I grabbed my keys and opened the door. I turned and locked it walking to my car.

The sun was blazing down onto me. I wonder if this is what a desert feels like. I opened the car door and got inside the car. I sat down wincing at how hot the seat was. I placed the keys in and turned the car on. I reached over and turned the Ac on the coldest setting. I grabbed the seatbelt, jerking my hand away from the hot metal part once I grabbed it. "Ow!" I shook my hand and looked at it. I sighed and carefully put the seatbelt in.

I pulled put of my drive way,  once in drive of course. I drove done the street and to the left. The pool wasn't very far from here thankfully. I'll be there in probably...fifteen minutes? I had previously planned on getting snacks before I went but I'd grab something after my swim.

I bluetooth synced my phone to my car and went onto my playlist picking a random song. I relaxed back as I drove. The AC wasn't really helping how hot it was but at least it was a bit cooling. Around fifteen minutes I pulled into the parking lot outside the public pool. There were only a couple cars there thankfully. I expected there to be a whole lot more people with how hot it is. I parked into a space close by and turned my car off. I grabbed my back pack and got out, then I pressed the button to lock my car. I sighed at the blazing heat. When did it ever  get so hot? Well it doesn't matter since I'll be in the cold water of a pool.

I opened the gate and went inside. I headed to the bathroom and did a quick change in the stall. The bathroom was pretty clean thank the gods. I walked out the bathroom with m back pack and headed to a sun chair, putting my stuff in it. I realized I forgot a towel but it didn't really matter.

I saw a few older folks sitting basking in the sun while two kids played in the pool. I didn't understand how those people could sit in heat like that. I sat at the edge of the pool the water moving to allow room for my legs. The coolness spreading into my legs. I went into the pool shivering at the initial touch. I smiled and kinda hovered there in the cool water. This was honestly the best idea I've had in a long time.

"Arnie! Come on! We're going!" An older woman shouted from the seats. I opened my eyes seeing a kid hop out the pool waving to the other boy. I watched them leave. There was now me and the older man and this kid. I could honestly stay in this pool forever. I closed my eyes and had my arms perched up on the sides. The sun beat down on my face as I realized I hadn't put on sunscreen. I lifted myself out of the pool the sun burning my skin so badly I immediately went into the pool. "Fuck." I muttered to myself. Why did that burn so badly. I looked at the kid who simply stared at me. "What?" I asked not wanting him to stare at me?

His face contorted into fear as he swam to the ladder in the pool as quickly as he could.

"DAD! DAD!" The kid screamed the man sitting up.

"What!?" The Dad yelled annoyed then he looked over to me. "Dear god." The man stood grabbing his things.

I looked at my hands wondering if I looked weird. My skin....It wad melting! "AHHH!" I screamed pulling at my skin. I looked to the man desperately. "HELP ME PLEASE! PLEASE HELP ME!" I began to cry as the man ran with his son. I was all alone, sobbing. "SOME ONE HELP! ANYONE!" I felt my skin loosen and bits of my flesh went into the pool. I made my way to the ladder an tried to climb up.

My skin was almost like some sort of liquid, it wouldn't let me grasp onto anything. "" I said in a shaking soft voice. I saw water as I sunk into the bottom...I couldn't couldn't breathe. My arms, they weren't there. I saw parts of my body sinking as well.

I could no longer scream.

Damn this humid fucking day.

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