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  I've always enjoyed honey. I loved it's sickly sweet smell and taste. Whenever I had an biscuit, I'd have a spoonful of honey on it. It made everything taste better.

I sat at my small dinner table with a plate of dull looking steak and potatoes, along with a small portion of peas. I grabbed the honey in the middle of the table, where I also kept the salt and pepper.

It was a local brand of honey. Very expensive but even the cheapest of honey was amazing. The honey was in a glass jar, the sun shown throw the thick liquid. The honey was a beautiful golden brown. I smiled and opened the jar and grabbed the clean spoon from beside my plate and inserted it into the liquid.

I pulled a large dollop of the honey, putting it onto the meat. Then a smaller spoonful for my potatoes and a even smaller amount for my peas. After this I sat my spoon down, into my potatoes and screwed the lid back onto the jar and pushed it back to the center of the table.

I smiled down at my meal and grabbed the end of my spoon. I scooped up a potato
and put it into my mouth. I licked the honey from the spoon, my mouth watering for more. I began to eat quickly.

If someone were watching me eat, I'd be sure they would be disgusted with the way I was gobbling my food. Barely any chewing involved.

My mouth and hands becoming sticky with the sweet syrup. I slowed a bit when there was only a bite of steak left.

I picked it up and moved it around the plate, trying to get the most honey I could on it. Once done, I put it into my mouth grinning.

I proceeded to lick my plate clean like some dog. I licked my hands and around my mouth. "Thirsty..." I mumbled to myself. I grabbed the same honey from before and began to guzzle it down.

The syrup enveloped my mouth and throat. It was soothing yet suffocating.

I drank and drank till only a little less than half was gone. I set the jar down and put the lid back on. I stood and grabbed my plate and walked to the sink. I set the plate down and began to wash it.

After washing it, I cleaned my hands and rinsed my face off.

I dried my hands onto my pants and turned the water off.

I went to my fridge and grabbed a small cup of yogurt.

Yogurt was really nice too.

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