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  "Can you point me to the bathroom?" I asked, turned to the man taking in orders in the rundown diner.

"Well if you look past my shoulder and go straight to that little hallway, on 'ur right will be the toilets." He pointed behind him, using his black pen that he held in a fist.

"Thank you!" I gave a thankful smile and pushed past him and to the hallway.

The diner smelt like the classic bacon frying in the pan  smell with a just a bit of...mold? Yeah mold.

The place was the only kind of pleasant a local could really enjoy, and I wasn't one of those people. Sure the place seemed like a humble little spot but I don't really care for it. I just had to use the bathroom as I had been driving for a good two hours.

I turned in to the surprisingly clean bathroom. Well, clean as in there wasn't huge puddles of piss and toilet paper on the ground, but it was a bit dusty and smelled really old.

I quickly used the toilet and washed my hands. I shook the water off my hands and checked the time as I walked out the bathroom and toward the main diner area.

There weren't many people dining in. Only an old couple eating a good breakfast and a woman at the bar enjoying a nice coffee. I thought about getting something for myself, but I don't particularly feel like spending my money here.

"Not gonna get anything?"

I turned to the voice, which was the man who pointed me to the bathroom earlier.

"Oh, I really only stopped to use the bathroom. I've been driving for about two hours and I got, maybe, another two and a half to go so no, I'm not." I smiled awkwardly and try to excuse myself.

"Two hours huh?", The guy lifted a brow. "Guessing you aren't from here then."

"Nope, I'm actually from north of you guys" I laughed a little.

The guy nodded.

"That's neat, don't get to meet new people often ya know." The man stopped to think.  "How about a slice of our special, apple pie, as a little treat, I'll even give ya a nice cold cup of milk too."

"I'm good, but thank you" I smiled a little more forcefully. "Now I really gotta go." I was really starting to get a weird feeling here.

"I insist, it's on the house, I swear!" He grinned, his teeth weren't the nicest to look at, with some of them looking rotted.

"The pie here is really good." The woman at the bar butted in with a small smile.

"Well, ok." I finally gave in and sat at the bar. At least it would be a free meal.

"Alright, apple pie with milk coming right up" The man cheered. He seemed really happy about getting me this pie.

I nodded and fake smiled.

I turned and looked around some more, the place looked like it had been here for a long while,  but I can't tell how long. The sound of a plate and glass being set down in front of me made me turn around and fake smile again.

"Thank you, it looks really good."

"And it taste even better" The man smiled and handed me a fork.

I dug in cautiously and took a small bite.

It was  the most....incredible thing I had ever had! Even better than my Mom's specialty chocolate cake!

A genuine grin found it's way to my lips.

"This is amazing, really it is."

"Told ya, you would like it!" The man grinned to, watching  me hog it down and after chugging the milk.

"That was great." I dug into my pocket, licking my lips.

"How about a tip?" I said and placed 2 fives on the counter.

"I can't, it was free!" The man said and pushed the money toward me.

"If you insist." I took the money back and stood.

"Well I gotta go now!" I waved and smiled at him.

"Hope to see ya again!" He waved back.

I laughed and made my way out. I had a small smile until my head began to pound.

"God, my head." I held my head a bit while walking.

Why does my...and before I knew it my vision went black.

"Reckon he'll make a good next week's special?"

"what's  next week's special?"

"How about a pork meat pie!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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