Shoelaces are tied twice

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  "Do you really have to take so long tying your shoes?" A young girl asked while watching a boy who was knelt down tying his shoes.

"Well I don't wanna fall onto the ground face first, and plus, I like to feel the shoe constricting my feet." He said while finishing and standing up. "You have to tie them twice."

"You're so weird bro." She sighed and stood from a chair she sat in. They are siblings, her being younger, and he the eldest.

She walked to the door that wasn't too far from the kitchen. She turned around after opening it. "Well let's go, butthead." She turned back around and went out.

He sighed and followed her, closing the door after himself. His sister was already a bit ahead walking down the street. He quickly looked at his shoes then smiled running up to her.

"I swear if the swings are all taken, I'm gonna throw your phone into the pond." She huffed, slowing down to let him walk beside her.

"Go ahead, Mom is gonna be pissed at you, not me." He said smugly knowing she couldn't deny it.

"Whatever dickhead." She rolled her eyes and looked down then back up with a smile. "Last one there has to do laundry!" She yelled quickly whole running.

"Hey!" He ran after her quickly.

He ran and easily passed her on the way. He was always a fast runner, some would say he would be good for cross country but he didn't really seem interested in it. He panted and arrived to their destination within, maybe, a few seconds. The park wasn't too far.

He turned watching his sister run toward him. She slowed down and walk to him while she panted.

"You know it isn't fair," She took a bit of time to catch her breathe, "You are fast."

"And you got a head start, so I don't know why you're complaining." He shook his head and looked down seeing his shoes somehow untied. He knelt again and began to tie them again.

"Again?" She asked with her hands on her hips. She looked to the right, where the swings were. "I'm gonna play on the swings, and you can enjoy tying your shoes." She trotted off to the swing set.

He just nodded not really caring. He was getting a bit too old for playgrounds anyways. Well that's what his parents thought. He focused on his shoes. Being sure to tie them twice.

He stood dusting off his knees  off. He looked around seeing younger kids playing around, while some adults watched from the benches or stood near their children. He stood there for a moment, and looked to the old swings. You could hear the creak and squeaking of the swings from where he was. He walked over there, where his sister was.

"Having fun there?" He asked while watching as she went back and forth.

"Obviously!" She yelled while not looking at him. Just kicking her legs back and forth.

He walked to the swing next to hers and sat down. He made sure his butt was on it right and walked back while on it then pushing forward and sat. He began to slowly move his Legs back and forth after a few boosts from his foot. He started to go almost as high as his sister. He smiled and began to go higher. He laughed knowing what he was doing.

"Hey!" She yelled smiling a bit and tried to go higher than him.

"Don't go too high!" He said a bit worried with how high she was going. He slowed himself down and eventually to a stop. "Hey... slow down" He said while watching.

She didn't hear or just didn't listen and began to wiggle making her swing go side ways. She giggled and accidently hit her brother off the swing. He fell with a 'oof' and groaned.

"Sorry!" She yelled while trying to slow down to get off. She heard a sort of deep squeaking noise and the swing fell down and she fell with it. She fell onto her back, he grunted and the swing set thankfully didn't fall onto her, other than a soft plastic seat which didn't hurt. She sat up quickly and looked at her brother. A part had fallen onto to his legs but his legs seemed fine. She stood to go and help him. Once she stood, she saw the damage. She stood there not yet processing it. A top beam that hand become sharpened due to the rust, probably where it broke, was lodged into his neck. He lied on his side. She felt hot tears burn her eyes and the wet warmth fell onto her cheeks. She rushed over to him trying to lift the beam but her strength wasn't enough. He was already dead so there was nothing she could truly do.

Some adults near by ran over. An older woman and a young man. They began to help to lift it. The part lodged into his neck came out, the blood gushing from his neck. His sister pulling him from under it as the others kept it up until she had him from under it. She held her brother to her chest. His body was heavy and hard to hold but she didn't care as her arms shook. with the weight. Others gathered around watching while someone tried to get ahold of the ambulance.

The sister. She sat in the car wearing a plain dull dress. She had gotten it from her aunt. She wore her brothers shoes. They didn't fit her small feet and her mother told her not to wear something like this at her brothers funeral, but she wouldn't taken them off.

She got out the car, the shoes felt loose. She knelt down and undid them and tightened them as much as she could and tied them.

"Shoelaces should always be tied twice."

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